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International Virtual Course (IVC24-111) : Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials

International Virtual Course (IVC24-111) : Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials


📝📣 *International Virtual Course (IVC24-111)* : *Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials*

IVC24-111 Fundamentals and Technology of Advanced Materials is a virtual course organized by Department of Physics, FMIPA, ITB.
The course will be organized in online mode and given by many experts and professionals in the field of advanced materials from leading institutions.

✏ *Course participants* :
▪ ITB students
▪ Non-ITB students
▪ Overseas students

📒 *After completing the course, students will receive* :
▪ Certificate of participant
▪ Course transcript
(equal to 3 credit units)

📆 *Important Dates* :
▪ Registration :
*01 June 2024 – 29 July 2024*
▪ Course date :
*5 – 16 August 2024*

📝 *Registration link* : *https://admission.itb.ac.id/registration/nonreguler/ivc*

🌐 *For more information* : *https://fi.itb.ac.id/ivc24-111/*

☎ *Contact Persons* :
▪Prof. Fatimah Arofiati Noor
▪Dr. Dhewa Edikresnha
(dhewa@itb.ac.id / WA +6281380796762)
▪M. Arief Mustajab E. M., M.Si
(mustajab.arief@itb.ac.id / WA +6287826528915)