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Author: adminfmipawp

Introduction of Undergraduate Study Programs for First Year Students of FMIPA ITB

Introduction of Undergraduate Study Programs for First Year Students of FMIPA ITB

BANDUNG, fmipa.itb.ac.id – The end of the second semester of the 2013/2014 academic year is the time where first year (TPB) students decide which study program they want to have for the next three years until their Bachelor’s degree. Among these students are those who have defined their goal; however, there are still numerous students […]

The Graduation Ceremony of Bachelor, Magister and Doctor for Faculty of Mathematics and Science, April 2014

The Graduation Ceremony of Bachelor, Magister and Doctor for Faculty of Mathematics and Science, April 2014

At the Friday and Saturday 11th and 12th of april 2014, the students of faculty of mathematics and science were officially inaugurated in open session at Sasana Budaya Ganesha. At this periods, faculty of mathematics and science of ITB graduated 95 graduates of bachelors, masters and doctors. For bachelor’s degree, the graduation ceremony was held […]

Book Launch “Sahabat Bosscha”

Book Launch “Sahabat Bosscha”

“Surprisingly, what has been done by K.A.R. Bosscha at the beginning of Bandung city’s construction was very remarkable. Almost all aspects of the future development of Bandung city received help from Bosscha, either physical or moral support. ” This was revealed by Ridwan Hutagalung, observerof history and also caregiver of Aleut history community at launch […]

Opening of the National Science Olympiad (OSN) Instructor TRAINING for Junior High School and High School Teachers throughout Aceh

Opening of the National Science Olympiad (OSN) Instructor TRAINING for Junior High School and High School Teachers throughout Aceh

Bandung, fmipa.itb.ac.id – As an effort to improve the quality of education in Aceh, the regional government of the Province of Aceh collaborated with ITB to conduct a training workshop for junior high school and high school teachers throughout Aceh. The opening ceremony of the workshop took place on 22 May 2014 at 13.15 local […]

Pembukaan Pelatihan Guru OSN Tingkat SMP dan SMA se-Aceh

Pembukaan Pelatihan Guru OSN Tingkat SMP dan SMA se-Aceh

Bandung, fmipa.itb.ac.id – Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Aceh, pemerintah provinsi Aceh bekerja sama dengan ITB mengadakan pelatihan bagi guru-guru SMP dan SMA se-Aceh. Pembukaan acara pelatihan ini berlangsung pada 22 Mei 2014 pukul 13.15 WIB bertempat di Aula Barat dan berjudul PELATIHAN PENGUATAN GURU OSN TINGKAT SMP DAN SMA se-ACEH. Rangkaian dari acara […]

Pengenalan Program Studi Sarjana untuk Mahasiswa TPB FMIPA ITB

Pengenalan Program Studi Sarjana untuk Mahasiswa TPB FMIPA ITB

BANDUNG, fmipa.itb.ac.id- Akhir semester genap tahun ajaran 2013/2014 ini merupakan saat dimana mahasiswa Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB) memutuskan untuk memilih program studi sarjananya untuk minimal tiga tahun ke depan. Tentu banyak mahasiswa yang sudah mantap untuk memilih program studi yang akan dipilih. Namun tidak sedikit mahasiswa yang masih kebingungan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya pemilihan program studi […]

Wisuda Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor FMIPA, April 2014

Wisuda Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor FMIPA, April 2014

Jumat dan Sabtu 11 dan 12 April 2014, Wisudawan Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam ITB secara resmi dikukuhkan dalam Sidang Terbuka di Sasana Budaya Ganesha. Pada periode  April  2012 ini FMIPA ITB meluluskan 95 wisudawan Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 April  2014 untuk Program Studi Magister dan Doktor serta […]