Zeily Nurachman
Lektor Kepala
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Email: zeily{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon (+62) 22 [2502103] ext 1109
Fax. (+62) 22 [2504154]
- Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1988
- Magsiter, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1991
- Doktor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2000
Bidang Penelitian
- Carbohydrate acting enzymes; a-amilase, xylanase, endoglucanase
- Starch and starch modification
- Troical marine microalgae for biofuel, food, medical
- Hydrolitic enzyme for biofuel (lipase)
- Fean D. Sarian, Štefan Janeček, , Tjaard Pijning, , Ihsanawati, Zeily Nurachman, Ocky K. Radjasa, Lubbert Dijkhuizen, Dessy Natalia, & Marc J. E. C. van der Maarel, A new group of glycoside hydrolase family 13 α-amylases with an aberrant catalytic triad, Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 44230 (2017), doi:10.1038/srep44230
- Kusumaningtyas, P., Nurbaiti, S., Suantika, G., Amran, M.B., Nurachman, Z, Enhanced Oil Production by the Tropical Marine Diatom Thalassiosira Sp. Cultivated in Outdoor Photobioreactors, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 23 January 2017, Pages 1-14
- Zeily Nurachman, Hartini H, Wiwit Ridhani Rahmaniyah, Dewi Kurnia, Rahmat Hidayat, Bambang Prijamboedi, Veinardi Suendo, Enny Ratnaningsih, Lily Maria Goretty Panggabean, Santi Nurbaiti, Tropical marine Chlorella sp. PP1 as a source of photosynthetic pigments for dye-sensitized solar cells, Algal Research, 10, (2015), 25-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2015.04.009
- Dessy Natalia, Keni Vidilaseris, Wangsa T. Ismaya, Fernita Puspasari, Iman Prawira, Khomaini Hasan, Guntur Fibriansah, Hjalmar P. Permentier, Zeily Nurachman, Toto Subroto, Bauke W. Dijkstra, and Soetijoso Soemitro, Effect of introducing a disulphide bond between the A and C domains on the activity and stability of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R64 α-amylase, Journal of Biotechnology, 195, (2015), 8–14 doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.12.002
- Sri Widarti, Zeily Nurachman, Buchari, Muhammad Bachri Amran, Diaminoalkane as Spacer Arm between Polystyrene and b-Cylodextrin in Affinity Chromatography for a-Amylase Separation, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 4, (2014), 709-714.
- Dessy Natalia, Keni Vidilaseris, Wangsa T. Ismaya, Fernita Puspasari, Iman Prawira, Khomaini Hasan, Guntur Fibriansah, Hjalmar P. Permentier, Zeily Nurachman, Toto Subroto, Bauke W. Dijkstra, and Soetijoso Soemitro, Effect of introducing a disulphide bond between the A and C domains on the activity and stability of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R64 α-amylase, Journal of Biotechnology, 195 (2015) 8-14.
- Arianie, L., Wahyuniningrum, D., Nurachman, Z., Natalia, D., Synthesis and characterization of [BMIM]bromide using microwave-assisted organic synthesis method and its application for dissolution of palm empty fruit bunch, AIP Conf. Proc. 1589, 2014, Pages 394-397.
- Zeily Nurachman, Hartati, Syahfitri A., Etsuroyya E.A., Gestria N., Bill M., Suryo G., Yana M.S., Lily M.G.P., and Gede S., Oil productivity of the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira sp-Bioresource Technology, Bioresource Technology, Volume 108, March 2012, Pages 240–244
- Nurachman, Z., Brataningtyas, D.S., Hartati, Panggabean, L.M.G., -Oil from the tropical marine benthic-diatom navicula sp.-Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2012, 168 (5), pp. 1065-1075
- Nurachman, Z., Hartati, Anita, S., Anward, E.E., Novirani, G., Mangindaan, B., Gandasasmita, S., Suantika, G., Oil productivity of the tropical marine diatom Thalassiosira sp., Bioresource Technology 2012, 108 , pp. 240-244
- Murniati A., Buchari B., Gandasasmita S., Nurachman Z. (2012), Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole polyphenol oxidase (PPy/PPO) on platinum electrode, Research J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci., 3(4), 855.
- Zeily Nurachman, Alfredo Kono, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Dessy Natalia, Identification a novel raw strach degrading a amylase from a tropical marine bacterium, American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 6, (2011).
- Zeily Nurachman, Sari Dewi Kurniasih, Ferra Puspitawati, Sarwono Hadi, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Dessy Natalia, Cloning of the endoglucanase gene from a Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PSM 3. in Escherichia coli revealed catalytic triad residues Thr-His_Glu, American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 6, (2011).
- Puspasari, Z. Nurachman, AS Noer, O.K. Radjasa, M.J.E.C. Van der Maare., D. Natalia, Characteristic of raw strach degrading α Amylase from Bacilius aquimaris MKSC 6.2 associated with soft coral Sinulaira, Strach, (2011).
- Vidilaseris, K., Hidayat, K., Retnoningrum, D.S., Nurachman, Z., Noer, A.S., Natalia, D., Biochemical characterization of a raw starch degrading α-amylase from the Indonesian marine bacterium bacillus sp. ALSHL3, Biologia, 64 (6), pp. 1047-1052, 2009.
- Puspasari F, Noer AS, Nurachman Z, Natalia D, 2010, In silico analysis of a-amylase gene of Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2, International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology, Bogor.
- Puspasari F, Noer AS, Nurachman Z, Natalia D, Isolation of a-amylase gene of Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2,The 3rd Gruber-Soedigdo Lecture, Bandung, 27-30 Juli 2010.
- Puspasari F, Noer AS, Nurachman Z, Radjasa OK, Natalia D, 2010, Raw starch degrading a-amylase from Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2”, Symposium on Networking and Technology Transfer, Bangkok-Thailand.