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Kerjasama Luar Negeri dan Publikasi Internasional 2016

No. Nama Peneliti Judul Penelitian
1. Acep Purqon, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Doping Effects of Rare Earth Molecules on Electric and Magnetic Properties of the Galium Nitride: Density Functional Study of Nanosensor and Energy Saving Applications
2. Dr. Muchtadi Intan Detiena Derived Equivalence for Hopf Algebras
3. Dr. Agustinus Agung Nugroho Sulistyo Hutomo Study of Magnetic Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids and its potential applications
4. Prof. Dr. Edy Soewono Treshold Dynamics and Control of Disease Transmission in Heterogenous Environments
5. Dr.rer.nat Freddy Haryanto Assembling a Radiation Treatment Planning System based on Monte Carlo Simulation for Dose Calculation
6. Dr.Rachmat Hidayat S.Si.,M.Eng Investigation of Charge Carrier Dynamics in Perovskite Based Solar Cell Materials by Transient Photocurrent Measurement and Muon Spectroscopy
7. Suprijadi, Dr., M.Eng. Study on Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Defect Structur