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Prof. Ismunandar, Ph.D.

Guru Besar

Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, Indonesia, 40132
E-mail    : ismu{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon  : (022) 2502103 ext. 223
Fax            : (022) 2504154


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1992
  2. Ph.D., University of Sydney, Australia, 1998

Bidang Peneitian

The research underway in our laboratory is directed towards understanding of how the structural and electronic properties of metal oxides influences their properties. To do this it is necessary to study the oxides using:

Various synthetic method, in addition to conventional solid state reaction, several synthesis method such hydrothermal, sol gel, and flux methods were employed to prepare the various materials of interests.

Bulk structure determination, the structure of the metal oxides can be determined by powder diffraction, using neutron or X-ray (laboratory and synchontron) source. The former measurements carried out in collaboration with Neutron Scattering Lab at Serpong and Bragg Institute, AUS, are particularly appropriate in determining the position of lighter elements.

Atom simulation, despite the steady increase in computer power, we are not yet able to model all physical process, so methods employing inter atomic potentials are still very useful. We are using atomic simulation methods for structure and doping predictions and complementing the lattice energy approximations.


  1. Prasetyo, A., Mihailova, B., Suendo, V., Nugroho, A.A.,  Zulhadjrif, Ismunandar, Structural transformations in Pb1 − xBi4 + xTi4 − xMnxO15 (x = 0.2 and 0.4): a Raman scattering study, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 48(2), 1 February 2017, Pages 292-297,
  2. A Prasetyo, B Mihailova, V Suendo, A A Nugroho, Zulhadjri, and Ismunandar, Raman scattering study of the effect of A– and B-site substitution on the room-temperature structure of ABi4Ti4O15, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 196 (2017) 012041 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/196/1/012041
  3. Febriyanti, V. Suendo, R. R. Mukti, A. Prasetyo, A. F. Arifin, M. A. Akbar, S. Triwahyono, I. N. Marsih, Ismunandar, Further Insight into the Definite Morphology and Formation Mechanism of Mesoporous Silica KCC-1, Langmuir, 32, (2016), 5802-5811., DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00675
  4. Kadja, G.T.M., Mukti, R.R., Liu, Z., Rilyanti, M., Ismunandar, Marsih, I.N., Ogura, M., Wakihara, T., Okubo, T., Mesoporogen-free synthesis of hierarchically porous ZSM-5 below 100°C, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 226, (2016), 344-352, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.02.007
  5. Mita Rilyanti, Rino R. Mukti, Grandprix T.M. Kadja, Masaru Ogura, Hadi Nur, Eng-Poh Ng, and Ismunandar, On the drastic reduction of organic structure directing agent in the steam-assisted crystallization of zeolite with hierarchical porosity, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 230, (2016), 30-38, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.04.038
  6. Dahlan, Nyoman Marsih, I. G. B. N. Makertihartha, Piyasan Praserthdam, Joongjai Panpranotand Ismunandar, Metal (Fe, Co, Ni) supported on different aluminas as Fischer-Tropsch catalyst, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 120008 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930791
  7. Prasetyo A., Mihailova B., Suendo V., Nugroho A.A., Ismunandar, Further insights into the structural transformations in PbBi4Ti4O15 revealed by Raman spectroscopy, Appl. Phys., 117:6, (2015), 64102.
  8. Grandprix T.M. Kadja, Rino R. Mukti, I Nyoman Marsih, and Ismunandar, A Comparative Study of the Synthesis of MFI Zeolite by Using High-and Low-Temperature Heating, Advanced Materials Research, 1112, (2015), 201-204, doi; http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1112.201
  9. Febriyanti, R. R. Mukti, V. Suendo, I. N. Marsih, S. Triwahyono, S. Ismadji, Ismunandar, Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Particles with Fibrous Morphology via Self-Assembly Process in Microemulsion System, Advanced Materials Research, 1112, (2015), 172-175, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1112.172
  10. Rusli, R., Abrahams, I., Patah, A., Prijamboedi, B., Ismunandar, Ionic conductivity of Bi2NixV1-xO 5.5-3x/2 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) oxides prepared by a low temperature sol-gel route, AIP Conf. Proc. 1589, 178 (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4868777
  11. Martak, F., Onggo, D., Ismunandar, Nugroho, A., Synthesis and characterization of [Fe(picolinate)3][MnNi(oxalate)3].CH3OH polymeric complex, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 14, 3, (2014).
  12. Yusuf, Y. Permana, Ismunandar, I M. Arcana, M. A. Martoprawiro, SyntheRing Opening Polymerizations of ε-Caprolactone using Zirconium(IV) Tris(β-Diketonates)sis of Platinum nanoparticles from K2PtCl4 solution using bacterial cellulose matrix, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 2014
  13. Hardian, G. M. Choi, V. Suendo, Ismunandar, Structure and Ionics Conductivity of Codoped Ceria for IT-SOFC Electrolytes, Journal of The Australian Ceramics Society, 2014
  14. Ambarwati, Y; Ismunandar; Mulyani, ; Martoprawiro, M. A., Docking Simulations of Chromium(III) Nicotinate with Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, The 3rd International Seminar on Chemistry 2014 (oral presentation, 20-21 November 2014, UNPAD), 2014
  15. lsmunandar and Yuli S lndartono, Editorial lntroduction Climate Change and Poverty in Asia. Challenges and Prospects, RDD (Regional Development Dialogue)
  16. Fitria Rahmawati, Bambang Prijamboedi, Syoni Soepriyanto, and Ismunandar, SOFC composite electrolyte based on LSGM-8282 and zirconia or doped zirconia (from zircon concentrate), International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 19:9, (2012), 863-871.
  17. Atiek Rostika Noviyanti, Bambang Prijamboedi, I Nyoman Marsih & Ismunandar, Hydrothermal Preparation of Apatite-Type Phases La9.33Si6O26 and La9M1Si6O26.5 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba), ITB Journal of Science, 2 (2012), 193-203.
  18. Zulhadjri, Prijamboedi B., Nugroho A.A., Mufti N., Fajar A., Palstra T.T.M., Ismunandar, Aurivillius phases of PbBi4Ti4O15 doped with Mn3 synthesized by molten salt technique: Structure, dielectric, and magnetic properties, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184, 1318, (2011).
  19. Zulhadjri, Prijamboedi B., Nugroho A.A., Mufti N., Ismunandar, Five layers Aurivillius phases Pb2-xBi4+xTi5-xMnxO18: Synthesis, structure, relaxor ferroelectric and magnetic properties, ITB Journal of Science, 43A, 139, (2011).
  20. Rahmawati F, Prijamboedi, Soepriyanto, Ismunandar, Doping calcia and Yttria into Zirconia Obtained from by product of tin concentrator to improve its ionic conductivity, ITB Journal of Science, (2011).
  21. Rahmawati F, Prijamboedi B, Soepriyanto S, Ismunandar, 2010, Y2O3-ZrO2 and CaO-Y2O3-ZrO2 prepared from zircon concentrate as electrolyte material for SOFC”,Pure and Applied Chemictry Conference (PACCON), Ubon, Thailand, January 21-23, 2010.
  22. Rahmawati F, Ismunandar, Prijamboedi B, Soepriyanto S, Choi GM, 2010, Composite of CaO-Y2O3-ZrO2 with LSGM-8282 as electrolyte material for SOFC, Fuel Cell Science and Technology Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, October 6-7, 2010.
  23. Noviyanti AR, Prijamboedi B, Marsih IN, Mukti RR, Ismunandar, Hydrothermal preparation of apatite-type phase La10-xMx(Si6-yLyO4)6O2±z (M = Ca, Sr, Ba; L= Ga, Mg, Ge), Seminar Nasional Himpunan Kimia Indonesia, Makassar, 2-3 Agustus 2010.
  24. Rosyidah, A., Onggo, D., Khairurrijal, Ismunandar, Atomic simulations of Aurivillius oxides: Bi3TiNbO9, Bi4Ti3O12, BaBi4Ti4O 15 and Ba2Bi4Ti5O18 doped with Pb, Al, Ga, In, Ta, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 55 (1), pp. 115-120, 2008.
  25. Kennedy, B.J., Zhou, Q., Ismunandar, Kubota, Y., Kato, K., Cation disorder and phase transitions in the four-layer ferroelectric Aurivillius phases ABi4Ti4O15 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb), Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181 (6), pp. 1377-1386, 2008.
  26. Jahro, I.S., Onggo, D., Ismunandar, Rahayu, S.I., Muñoz, M.C., Gaspar, A.B., Seredyuk, M., Real, J.A., Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the spin crossover system [Fe(pq)3]2+, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 361 (14-15), pp. 4047-4054, 2008.

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