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International Symposium on Sun, Earth, and Life
Juni 3, 2016 - Juni 4, 2016
On March, 9th 2016, Total Solar Eclipse will pass Indonesia. This rare natural phenomenon will give a chance, not only for lay people to enjoy the awe and wonder of the nature, but at the same time this give an ample of opportunity for scientific endeavor on Sun, Earth, and Life to study about our living sphere. The discovery of exoplanets has boosted attention and interest in the search for extraterrestrial life. There is special interest in planets that orbit in a stars habitable zone, where it is possible for liquid water (and therefore life as we know it) to exist on the surface, i.e. the Moon, Mars, etc. The science and technology of planetary habitability also considers a complex factors in determining the suitability of a planet for supporting life.
This symposium with special session of total solar eclipse will give opportunities to inter-disciplinary scientists on related fields to share, discuss, and collaborate for advancing the knowledge, and at the same time give contribution on providing solutions to the real world problems, especially those related to the sustainability of life on Earth.
Aim and Scope
The International Symposium on the Sun, Earth, and Life (ISSEL) 2016 is held to achieve the main goals:
- To disseminate researches in various fields of natural sciences, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHICH ARE BASED ON RECENT TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OBSERVATION.
- To promote multi- and inter-disciplinary researches in astronomy and astrophysics with various domains of basic space science and technology
- To bring together academics, researchers and research students working in natural sciences and closely related areas from around the world to exchange and share their experiences and results.
The cooperation among researchers in these various domains of science and countries could be enlarged and enhanced. Those who work in inter-disciplinary areas, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO OBTAIN RESEARCH RESULTS BASED ON RECENT TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OBSERVATION, are strongly encouraged to contribute to this conference.
The Scope of the conference is in the fields of, but not limited to:
- Solar Science
- Space Weather (Solar-Terrestrial Science)
- Atmosphere and Aeronomy
- Earth and Planetary Science
- Astrophysics
- Astrobiology and Astrochemistry
- Etnoastronomy and Archaeoastronomy
- Related Education and Public Outreach
Venue and Activities
Aula Timur, Insitut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia. Activities during the days of conference consists of plenary session, parallel public paper presentation, and poster session.
Important Dates
- Registration open : 4 March 2016
- Abstract submission : 11 March – 11 April 2016
- Decision of Abstract admission: 2 May 2016
- Early bird payment : 2 – 16 May 2016
- Late Payment : 17 May – 3 June 2016
- Deadline of Submission for Full Paper: 27 May 2016
- Conference Days: 3-4 June 2016 (Friday and Saturday)
Invited Speakers
- Prof. Bambang Hidayat (Indonesian Academy of Sciences)
- Prof. Nat Gopalswamy (Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA)
- Prof. J.N. Goswami (Physical Research Laboratory, India)
- Prof. Thomas Djamaluddin (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space)
- Prof. Ewine F. van Dishoeck (Leiden University & KNAW, The Netherlands) (under confirmation)
- Prof. Taufiq Hidayat (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Advisory Board
- Hendra Gunawan
- Edi Tri Baskoro
- Taufiq Hidayat
- Thierry Fouchet
- Nat Gopalswamy
- Premana W. Premadi
- Thomas Djamaluddin
- Budi Dermawan
- J.N. Goswami
- Dhani Herdiwijaya
- Anny Sulaswatty
- Indra Noviandri
- Clara Y. Yatini
- Mahasena Putra
- Lucky Puspitorini
- Ikbal Arifyanto
- E. Sungging Mumpuni
- Evan Irawan Akbar
- M. Zamzam Nurzaman
- Aprillia
- Dede Enan
Call for Papers
Paper topics are according to the fields of the conferences as stated in Aim and Scope. Registration and Abstract submission must be done on-line via this system (check links on the left). The committee will review and send notification about your participation as contributed speaker or poster presenter by e-mail. Complete registered participant will be announced at the website. We provide a template of Full Paper that can be downloaded at the website (check for later updates). Contributed Paper (CP) and Poster (P) can be submitted online. The full paper will be peer-reviewed and the decission will be informed by e-mail.
All presented papers will be selected and published in the IOP Journal of Physics : Conference Series (indexed by SCOPUS), after being peer-reviewed.
Authors must prepare their papers using our Microsoft Word or LaTeX2e templates, and then convert these to PDF format for submission to the Committee. Templates and guidelines, please follow the website of IOP (https://conferenceseries.iop.org/content/authors)
Presentation Guidelines
Conference language: English
Plenary talk: 40 minutes including discussion
Oral Presentation
- The presentation time for parallel session is 15 minutes including discussion. Please complete strictly your presentation and discussion at the allocated time.
- The presenters are asked to prepare PowerPoint (or PDF) slides and checked designated room.
- PRIOR to the presentation, files (saved in a USB memory stick) should be uploaded to the conference computer, i.e. during the breaks between the sessions.
- Presenters should arrive in the session room BEFORE the start of their sessions to report to the session chair.
Poster session
- The authors are asked to prepare a poster and display it on a designated panel (paper’s code will be shown on the panel).
- Each poster must fit within a 0.9 m x 1.2 m space (maximum size: A0 portrait).
Registration Fee and Payment
Participant | Early Bird | Late Registration |
International Participants | US$ 175 | US$ 225 |
Domestic/Student | IDR. 750.000 | IDR. 1.000.000 |
Sit-in participant*) | IDR. 400.000 |
Registration fee includes Book of Abstract, Seminar Kit, Lunch and Coffee Break*).
Charge of the Proceedings is included for one article only. Additional paper will be charged separately; USD 50/paper. Registration fee can also be paid onsite on the conference days (treated as late registration).
Excursion and Exhibition
We will organized excursion to Bosscha Observatoy with additional fee.
Total Solar Eclipse photograph exhibition will also be held during the symposium.
See here for more information about hotels in Bandung.
Visa Information
Official Information about Indonesia Visa can be found here.
Dr. Dhani Herdiwijaya (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Dr. Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni (National Institute of Aeronautics and Space)
Prof. Hendra Gunawan (Indonesian Academy of Sciences & Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Dr. Anny Sulaswatty (Indonesian Academy of Sciences)