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Selamat kepada Tim My-croalgae telah berhasil meraih predikat  The 1st Winner and Best Presentation of the International Scientific Paper Online Competition KATULISTIWA 16 by LSME FEB Universitas Brawijaya.

Selamat kepada Tim My-croalgae telah berhasil meraih predikat The 1st Winner and Best Presentation of the International Scientific Paper Online Competition KATULISTIWA 16 by LSME FEB Universitas Brawijaya.


Selamat kepada Tim My-croalgae di bawah bimbingan
– Dr. M. Yudhistira Azis
– Alfredo Kono, Ph.D
– Dr. rer. nat. Sparisoma Viridi
– Dr. Eng. Priastuti Wulandari

telah berhasil meraih predikat

The 1st Winner and Best Presentation of the International Scientific Paper Online Competition KATULISTIWA 16 by LSME FEB Universitas Brawijaya.

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