No. | Nama Peneliti | Judul Penelitian |
1 | Dr. rer. nat. Freddy Haryanto | Assembling a Radiation Treatment Planning System based on Monte Carlo Simulation for Dose Calculation |
2 | Dr. Eng. Suprijadi | Study on Mechanical and Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Defect Structure |
3 | Dr. Rachmat Hidayat, S.Si., M.Eng. | Investigation of Charge Carrier Dynamics in Perovskite Based Solar Cell Materials by Transient Photocurrent Measurement and Muon Spectrocopy |
4 | Prof. Dr. Edy Soewono | Treshold Dynamics and Control of Disease Transmission in Heterogenous Environments |
5 | Hilda Assiyatun, Ph.D. | Characterizing and Finding All Graphs with Certain Dimensions |
6 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mitra Djamal | Development of Micro-Force Material Tester |
7 | Dr. Agustinus Agung Nugroho Sulistyo H. | Study of Magnetic Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids and Its Potential Applications |
8 | Dr. Rinovia Mery G. Simanjuntak | Pelabelan Ajaib Berdasarkan Jarak |
9 | Prof. Dr. I Made Arcana | Pembuatan Polimer Elektrolit dari Selulosa Nano Kristalin dan Nano Kompositnya untuk Aplikasi Baterai Ion Litium |
10 | Prof. Dr. Eng. Zaki Su’ud, M.Eng. | Studi Disain PLTN Modular Berumur Panjang untuk Aplikasi Ko-Generasi Produksi Hidrogen, Peningkatan Mutu Batubara Muda, Produksi Air Bersih, dan Produksi Listrik |
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