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The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) is the oldest faculty
and leading in Indonesia in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences.
Next Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) is the oldest and leading faculty in Indonesia in the field of mathematics and natural sciences. It was established on October 6, 1947, as Faculteit van Exacte Wetenschap. On September 22 1948 the name of this faculty changed to Faculteit van Wiskunde en Natuur Wetenschap. In 1950 it changed to the Faculty of Science and Natural Sciences (FIPIA), and from 1972 until now it changed to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).




Beasiswa Ikatan Alumni Kimia (IAKI) ITB

Beasiswa Ikatan Alumni Kimia (IAKI) ITB

BANDUNG, fmipa.itb.ac.id, -Alumni Kimia (IAKI) ITB telah membuka kembali beasiswa untuk mahasiswa/i S1 program studi Kimia yang mengalami kesulitan/kendala tunggakan UKT. Pendaftaran beasiswa melalui akun INA mulai dari tanggal 01 Februari sampai 16 Februari 2024. Info selengkapnya di https://kemahasiswaan.itb.ac.id/beranda/read/pengumuman/2186/beasiswa-ikatan-alumni-kimia-(iaki)-itb—batch-1-tahun-2024 Jangan lupa, segera daftarkan dirimu!✨