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Mikrajuddin Abdullah

Mikrajuddin Abdullah2a

Prof. Dr. Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
E-mail din{at}fi.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 241
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1992
  2. Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1996
  3. Doktor, Hiroshima University, Jepang, 2002

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Sythesis of Nanomaterials (nanoparticles, carbon nanutuber, nanocomposites)
  2. Applocations of nanostructured materials (display, luminescent nano-ink, nanocatalyst, cosmetics, etc)
  3. Other interests in Physical Education (writting some books of physics for secondary and higher schools development of simple apparatus for physical demonstrations, etc.)



  1. Nuryadin, B., Permatasari, F.A., Nuryantini, A.Y., Faryuni, I.D., Abdullah, M., Iskandar, F., A red emitting of manganese-doped boron carbon oxynitride (BCNO) phosphor materials: facile approach and photoluminescence properties, RSC Advances, Volume 7, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 4161-4166
  2. Wibowo, E., Rokhmat, M., Sutisna, Khairurrijal, Abdullah, M., Reduction of seawater salinity by natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite): Adsorption isotherms, thermodynamics and kinetics, Desalination, Volume 409, 1 May 2017, Pages 146-156
  3. Rokhmat, M., Sutisna, Wibowo, E., Khairurrijal, Abdullah, M., Efficiency enhancement of TiO2 (active material) solar cell by inserting copper particles grown with pulse voltage electroplating method, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 100, 1 January 2017, Pages 92-100
  4. Yuliza, E., Salam, R.A., Amri, I., Atmajati, E.D., Hapidin, D.A., Meilano, I., Munir, M.M., Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, Characterization of a water level measurement system developed using a commercial submersible pressure transducer, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation, ICA 2016, 9 January 2017, Article number 7811483, Pages 99-102
  5. Arifin, M., Rus, Y.B., Aimon, A.H., Iskandar, F., Winata, T., Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, K., Composited reduced graphene oxide into LiFePO4/Li2SiO3 and its electrochemical impedance spectroscopy properties, Materials Research Express, 4(3), 034005, Published 23 March 2017 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd
  6. Riri Murniati, Nanda Novita, Sutisna, Edy Wibowo, Ferry Iskandar and Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Natural Rubber Nanocomposite with Human-Tissue-Like Mechanical Characteristic, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012002 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012002
  7. Sutisna, M Rokhmat, E Wibowo, R Murniati, Khairurrijal, and M Abdullah. Novel Solar Photocatalytic Reactor for Wastewater Treatment, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012010 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012010
  8. Yuliza, H. Habil, R. A. Salam, M. M. Munir, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, “Development of a Simple Single-Axis Motion Table System for Testing Tilt Sensors”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 170 (2017), pp. 378-383.
  9. Nadya Amalia, Sparisoma Viridi, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Simulasi High Pile Rebound dengan Sistem Pegas-Massa 2 Dimensi, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 545-549, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  10. Abdullah, M., Proposal for a material with negative thermal expansion, J. Mod. Phys. B, 30, 1650238 (2016). 10.1142/S0217979216502386
  11. Ferry Iskandar, Erlandy Dwinanto, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal, Oki Muraza, Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Oil Using Nanocatalyst in Aquathermolysis Reaction, KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 33, (2016) 3-16, DOI : 10.14356/kona.2016005
  12. Wibowo, E., Sutisna, Rokhmat, M., Khairurrijal, Abdullah, M., Why does thermal shock produce smaller particles of zeolite?, Powder Technology, 301, (2016), 911-919, 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.07.034.
  13. Wibowo, E., Rokhmat, M., Sutisna, Yuliza, E., Khairurrijal, Abdullah, M., The dynamics of a cylinder containing granules rolling down an inclined plane, Powder Technology, 301, (2016), 44-57, 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.05.062.
  14. Surtiyeni N., Rahmadani R., Kurniasih N., Khairurrijal, Abdullah M., A Fire-Retardant Composite Made from Domestic Waste and PVA, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016. Art.7516278, (2016), 10.1155/2016/7516278.
  15. Rahmayanti, H.D., Utami, F.D., Abdullah, M., Physics model for wringing of wet cloth, European Journal of Physics, 37:6, (2016), 65806, 10.1088/0143-0807/37/6/065806
  16. Rahman, D.Y., Rokhmat, M., Yuliza, E., Sustini, E., Abdullah, M., New design of potentially low-cost solar cells using TiO2 graphite composite as photon absorber, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 7:3, (2016), 289, 10.1007/s40095-016-0213-5
  17. Margaretta, D.O., Lestari, M.S., Nuryadin, B.W., Abdullah, M., A new criterion for melting of nanostructures of arbitrary shapes, European Physical Journal B., 89:6, (2016), 154, doi:10.1140/epjb/e2016-70140-5.
  18. E Yuliza, H Habil, M M Munir, M Irsyam, M Abdullah and Khairurrijal, Study of soil moisture sensor for landslide early warning system: Experiment in laboratory scale, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012034 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012034
  19. E Yuliza, M M Munir, M Abdullah and Khairurrijal, Realization of Deflection-type Bridge instruments to determine soil moisture using Research-Based Learning, . Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012035 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012035
  20. F Iskandar, A H Aimon, A R Akmaluddin, B W Nuryadin and M Abdullah, Initial Study on Thin Film Preparation of Carbon Nanodots Composites as Luminescence Material, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012010 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012010
  21. P Pratiwi, G N Rahmi, A H Aimon, F Iskandar, M Abdullah and B W Nuryadin, Preliminary Study on Synthesis of Organolead Halide with Lead Derived from Solder Wire, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012098 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012098
  22. Sahrul Saehana, Darsikin, Elfi Yuliza, Pepen Arifin, Khairurrijal and Mikrajuddin Abdullah, A New Approach for Fabricating Low Cost DSSC by Using Carbon-Ink From Inkjet Printer and Its Improvement Efficiency by Depositing Metal Bridge Between Titanium Dioxide Particles, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 136, doi: 10.1115/1.4027695 (2014)
  23. Memoria Rosi, Ferry Iskandar, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Hydrogel-Polymer Electrolytes Based on Polyvinyl Alcohol and Hydroxyethylcellulose for Supercapacitor Applications, International Journal of Electrochemical Science;  Vol. 9 Issue 8, p4251 (2014)
  24. M. Abdullah, S. Khairunnisa, and F. Akbar, Bending of sparklers, European Journal of Physics 35, 035019 (2014)
  25. S. Saehana, Muslimin, and M. Abdullah, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of TiO2 based solar cells, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6, 023109 (2014)
  26. Masturi, E. Sustini, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Titania Coated Ceramic Membrane from Clay and Muntilan Sand for Wastewater Filter Application, Advanced Materials Research 896, 70-73 (2014)
  27. I.D. Faryuni, B. W. Nuryadin, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, T. Ogi, and K. Okuyama, Synthesis and photoluminescence of BCNO/SiO2 nanocomposite phosphor materials, Journal of Luminescence 148, 165-168 (2014)
  28. B.W. Nuryadin, T.P. Pratiwi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, T. Ogi, and K. Okuyama, Photoluminescence optimization of BCNO phosphors synthesized using citric acid as a carbon source, Advanced Powder Technology, in press (2014)
  29. B.W. Nuryadin, E.C. Septia, F. Iskandar, T. Ogi, K. Okuyama, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal Microwave-assisted solid state synthesis of red-emitting BCNO phosphor and its characteristics, Advanced Materials Research, 896, 464-467 (2014)
  30. F.A. Noor, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, The effects of nitrogen concentration in TiNx and the thickness of HfSiOxN to the tunneling currents in isotropic TiNx/HfSiOxN/SiO2/Si(100) capacitors,  Applied Mechanics and Materials 481, 121-124 (2014)
  31. C.B.S. Putro, F.A. Noor, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, A theoretical model of band-to-band tunneling current in an armchair graphene nanoribbon tunnel field-effect transistor, <p>Advanced</p>Materials Research 896, 371-374 (2014)
  32. F.A. Noor, Khairiah, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal,  A theoretical study on electron tunneling current in isotropic high-k dielectric stack-based MOS capacitors with charge trapping  Advanced Materials Research 896, 363-366 (2014)
  33. Ida Royani, Widayani, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Effect of heating time on atrazine-based MIP materials synthesized via the cooling-heating method, Advanced Materials Research 896, 89-94 (2014)
  34. M.M. Munir, A.Y. Nuryantini, Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Preparation of polyacrylonitrile nanofibers with controlled morphology using a constant-current electrospinning system for filter applications, Materials Science Forum  737, 159-165 (2013)
  35. Artoto Arkundato, Z. Su’ud, M. Abdullah, W. Sutrisno, and M. Celino, Inhibition of iron corrosion in high temperature stagnant liquid lead: A molecular dynamics study,  Annals of Nuclear Energy  62, 298-306 (2013).
  36. Artoto Arkundato, Z. Su’ud, M. Abdullah, and W. Sutrisno, Molecular dynamic simulation on iron corrosion-reduction in high temperature molten lead-bismuth eutectic, Turkish Journal of Physics  37, 132-144 (2013)
  37. V.A. Isnaeni, O. Arutanti, E. Sustini, H. Aliah, Khairurrijal, and M.Abdullah, A novel system for producing photocatalytic titanium dioxide-coated fibers for decomposing organic pollutants in water, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy  32, 42-51 (2013)
  38. O. Arutanti, S.S. Nurmala, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Design of hot roll press to fabricate TiO2-coated fiber for decomposing rhodamine B in water, Materials Science Forum  737, 33-36 (2013)
  39. E. Yuliza, S. Saehana, D.Y. Rahman, M. Rosi, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Enhancement performance of dye-sensitized solar cells from black rice as dye and black ink as counter electrode with inserting copper on the space between TiO2 particles by using electroplating method, Materials Science Forum 737, 85-92 (2013).
  40. M. Rosi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Syntheses and characterizations of supercapacitors using nano-sized ZnO/nanoporous carbon electrodes and PVA-based polymer-hydrogel electrolytes, Materials Science Forum, 737, 191-196 (2013)
  41. S. Saehana, E. Yuliza, P. Arifin, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) from black rice and its performance improvement by depositing interconnected copper (copper bridge) into the space between TiO2 nanoparticles, Materials Science Forum 737, 43-53 (2013).
  42. M.I. Nugraha, P. Noorlaily, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, and F. Iskandar, Synthesis of NixFe3-xO4 nanoparticles by microwave-assisted coprecipitation and their application on viscosity reduction of heavy oil, Materials Science Forum 737, 204-208 (2013)
  43. F.A. Noor, F. Oktasendra, E. Sustini, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, A theoretical study on the performance of SnO2/SiO2/n-Si solar cells, Materials Science Forum 737, 1-8 (2013)
  44. T. Nurhayati, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Syntheses of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles using microwave-assisted calcination method, Materials Science Forum 737, 197-203 (2013)
  45. S. Alaa’, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Thermal conductivity enhancement of brine containing charcoal particles,  Materials Science Forum 737, 209-214
  46. Masturi, M. P. Aji, H. Aliah, E. Sustini, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Nonlinear oscillation model for explaining the distribution of position deviation in self-organized nanoparticles,  Nano 8, 135009 (2013).
  47. H. Subianto, B.W. Nuryadin, Khairurrijal, H. Mahfudz, N. Dananjaya, and M. Abdullah, Distributed inner states TiO2-coated plastic fibers as photocatalysts for decomposing organic pollutants in water, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15, 210-217 (2013)
  48. F.A. Noor, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Analysis of electron leakage current in MOS capacitors by using anisotropic and isotropic mass approaches, Electronics Letters 48, 1585-1586 (2012)
  49. Mora, S. Saehana, E. Sustini, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Ising model for conductive percolation in electrically conductive adhesives by considering random arrangement of conducting particles, American Journal of Applied Sciences 9, 1113-1123 (2012)
  50. E. Rahmawati, R. Ekawita, M. Budiman, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, A low cost C8051F006 SoC-Based quasi-static C-V meter for characterizing semiconductor devices, Telkomnika 10, 733-740 (2012)
  51. F.A. Noor, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Numerical simulation of tunneling current in an anisotropic metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor, Telkomnika 10, 477-485 (2012)
  52. S. Saehana, P. Arifin, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, A new architecture for solar cells involving a metal bridge deposited between active TiO2 particles, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 123109 (2012)
  53. H. Aliah, M.P. Aji, Masturi, E. Sustini, M. Budiman, and M. Abdullah, TiO2 Nanoparticles-coated polypropylene copolymer as photocatalyst on methylene blue photodegradation under solar exposure, American Journal of Environmental Sciences 8, 280-290 (2012)
  54. M. P. Aji, Masturi, S. Bijaksana, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, A general formula for ion concentration-dependent electrical conductivities in polymer electrolytes,  American Journal of Applied Sciences, 9, 946-954 (2012)
  55. Masturi, Silvia, M.P. Aji, E. Sustini, Khairurrijal, and M. Abdullah, Permeability, strength and filtration performance for uncoated and titania-coated clay wastewater filters, American Journal of Environmental Sciences 8, 79-94 (2012)
  56. R. S. Rahayu, I. Noviandri, Buchari, M. Abdullah, and T. Hinoue, The effects of laser pulse irradiation at glassy carbon electrode on the electrochemistry of dopamine and ascorbic acid, Journal of Electrochemical Science 7, 8255-8265 (2012)
  57. A.A. Pramana, S. Rachmat, D. Abdassah, and M. Abdullah, A study of asphaltene content of Indonesian heavy oil, Modern Applied Science 6, 64-72 (2012)
  58. Masturi, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal High compressive strength of home waste and polyvinyl acetate composites containing silica nanoparticle filler, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 13, 225-231 (2011)
  59. E. Widiatmoko, Widayani, M. Budiman, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, A simple spectrophotometer using common materials and a digital camera, Physics Education  46, 332-339 (2011)
  60. Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, and M. Budiman, Home-made PIC 16F877 microcontroller-based temperature control system for learning automatic control, Computer Applications in Engineering Education 19, 10-17 (2011)
  61. Noor, F.A., Abdullah, M., Sukirno, Khairurrijal,  Analysis of electron direct tunneling current through very-thin gate oxides in MOS capacitors with the parallel-perpendicular kinetic energy components and anisotropic masses  2010  Brazilian Journal of Physics, 3
  62. Noor, F.A., Abdullah, M., Sukirno, Khairurrijal, Comparison of electron transmittances and tunneling currents in an anisotropic TiNx/HfO2/SiO2/p-Si(100) metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor calculated using exponential- and Airy-wave function approaches and a transfer matrix method  2010  Journal of Semiconductors  7
  63. Noor, F.A., Abdullah, M., Sukirno, Ohta, A., Miyazaki, S.,  Electron and hole components of tunneling currents through an interfacial oxide-high- k gate stack in metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors, 2010  Journal of Applied Physics  5
  64. Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, K., Nuryadin, B.W., Sustini, E, Synthesis of oxide particles using a polymer-assisted spray pyrolysis reactor, and a percolation explanation of particle separation  2010 International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
  65. Priatama, A., Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, Mahfudz, H., Fabrication of microporous water filter using titanium dioxide particles, silica particles, and polyethylene glycol 2010, ITB Journal of Engineering Science 1
  66. Abdullah, M., Astuti, Khairurrijal, Synthesis of luminescent ink from europium-doped y2O3 dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol 2009, Advances in OptoElectronics 1
  67. Hasanah, L., Abdullah, M., Sukirno, Winata, T., Khairurrijal, Model of a tunneling current in an anisotropic Si/Si1-xGe x/Si heterostructure with a nanometer-thick barrier including the effect of parallel-perpendicular kinetic energy, 2008  Semiconductor Science and Technology
  68. Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, Waris, A., Nurhasanah, I., Vioktalamo, A.S, An ultraviolet phosphor from submicrometer-sized particles of gadolonium-doped yttrium oxide prepared by heating of precursors in a polymer solution, 2008, Powder Technology  8
  69. Munir, M.M., Iskandar, F., Yun, K.M., Okuyama, K., Abdullah, M.  Optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide nanofibers prepared by electrospinning, Nanotechnology  2008  24
  70. Khairurrijal, Abdullah, M., Suhendi, A., Munir, M.M., Surachman, A., A simple microcontroller-based current electrometer made from LOG112 and C8051F006 for measuring current in metal-oxide-semiconductor devices  2007  Measurement Science and Technology  5
  71. Okuyama, K., Abdullah, M., Lenggoro, I.W., Iskandar, F, Preparation of functional nanostructured particles by spray drying  2006  Advanced Powder Technology  52
  72. Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, Iskandar, F., Okuyama, K,  Semiconductor Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites (Chapter) 2006 Nanocrystalline Materials  1
  73. Ogi, T., Itoh, Y., Abdullah, M., (…), Azuma, Y., Okuyama, K, Fabrication and photoluminescence of highly crystalline GaN and GaN:Mg 2005  Journal of Crystal Growth  18
  74. Abdullah, M., Okuyama, K., Lenggoro, I.W., Taya, S. A polymer solution process for synthesis of (Y,Gd)3Al 5O12:Ce phosphor particles  2005  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids  22
  75. Abdullah, M., Lenggoro, I.W., Xia, B., Okuyama, K.  Novel processing for softly agglomerated luminescent Y 2O3:Eu3+ nanoparticles using polymeric precursors  2005  Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan  6
  76. Abdullah, M., Iskandar, F., Shibamoto, S., Ogi, T., Okuyama, K., Preparation of oxide particles with ordered macropores by colloidal templating and spray pyrolysis, 2004  Acta Materialia  22
  77. Gradoń, L., Janeczko, S., Abdullah, M., Iskandar, F., Okuyama, K., Self-organization kinetics of mesoporous nanostructured particles  2004  AIChE Journal  20
  78. Abdullah, M., Panatarani, C., Kim, T.-O., Okuyama, K., Nanostructured ZnO/Y2O3:Eu for use as fillers in luminescent polymer electrolyte 2004  Journal of Alloys and Compounds  13
  79. Abdullah, M., Shibamoto, S., Okuyama, K, Synthesis of ZnO/SiO2 nanocomposites emitting specific luminescence 2004  Optical Materials  50
  80. Itoh, Y., Abdullah, M., Okuyama, K.  Direct preparation of nonagglomerated indium tin oxide nanoparticles using various spray pyrolysis methods  2004  Journal of Materials Research  17
  81. Iskandar, F., Abdullah, M., Yoden, H., Okuyama, Silica Films Containing Ordered Pores Prepared by Dip Coating of Silica Nanoparticles and Polystyrene Beads Colloidal Mixture  2004  <p>Journal</p>of Sol-Gel Science and Technology  14
  82. Iwaki, T., Kakihara, Y., Toda, T., Abdullah, M., Okuyama, K., Preparation of high coercivity magnetic FePt nanoparticles by liquid process    2003, Journal of Applied Physics  51
  83. Abdullah, M., Morimoto, T., Okuyama, K.  Generating Blue and Red Luminescence from ZnO/Poly(ethylene glycol) Nanocomposites Prepared Using an In-Situ Method  2003  Advanced Functional Materials  102
  84. Iskandar, F., Abdullah, M., Yoden, H., Okuyama, K., Optical band gap and ultralow dielectric constant materials prepared by a simple dip coating process
  85. Iskandar, F., Abdullah, M., Yoden, H., Okuyama, K., 2003  Journal of Applied Physics 21
  86. Abdullah, M., Lenggoro, I.W., Okuyama, K., Shi, F.G. In situ synthesis of polymer nanocomposite electrolytes emitting a high luminescence with a tunable wavelength, 2003  Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 57
  87. Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Single route for producing organized metallic domes, dots, and pores by colloidal templating and over-sputtering, Advanced Materials  25 (2002)
  88. Mikrajuddin, I.W. Lenggoro, K. Okuyama, F.G. Shi, Luminescent polymer electrolytes prepared by growing ZnO nanoparticles in the matrix of polyethylene glycol, Journal of the Electrochemical Society    22 (2002)
  89. F. Iskandar, Mikrajuddin, K. Okuyama, Controllability of Pore Size and Porosity on Self-Organized Porous Silica Particles,  Nano Letters 68 (2002)
  90. Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, F.G. Shi, Stable photoluminescence of zinc oxide quantum dots in silica nanoparticles matrix prepared by the combined sol-gel and spray drying method, Journal of Applied Physics  59 (2001)
  91. F. Iskandar, Mikrajuddin, K. Okuyama, In Situ Production of Spherical Silica Particles Containing Self-Organized Mesopores, Nano Letters  118 (2001)
  92. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, K. Okuyama, Temperature-dependent electrical conduction in porous silicon: Non-Arrhenius behavior,  Europhysics Letters  4 (2001)
  93. Mikrajuddin, K. Okuyama, F.G. Shi, Mechanical effect on the electronic properties of molecular, Physical Review B  (2000)
  94. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, K. Okuyama, Electrical conduction in insulator particle-solid-state ionic and conducting particle-insulator matrix composites. A unified theory, Journal of the Electrochemical Society  20 (2000)
  95. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, T.G., Nieh, K. Okuyama, Metal-to-semiconductor transition in nanocrystals: Size and temperature dependence, Microelectronics 6 (2000)
  96. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, T.G., Nieh, K. Okuyama, Electrical conduction in solid polymer electrolytes: Temperature dependence mechanism, Microelectronics 7 (2000)
  97. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, K. Okuyama,  Electrical conduction in porous silicon: Temperature dependence, Microelectronics Journal  5 (2000)
  98. Mikrajuddin, et al, Onset of electrical conduction in isotropic conductive adhesives: A general formula, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing  34 (1999)
  99. Mikrajuddin, F.G. Shi, H.K., Kim, K., Okuyama, Size-dependent electrical constriction resistance for contacts of arbitrary size: From Sharvin to Holm limits, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 39 (1999)
  100. Shi, F.G., Abdullah, M., Chungpaiboonpatana, S., Davidson, C., Adams, J.M.  Electrical conduction of anisotropic conductive adhesives: Effect of size distribution of conducting filler particles.  Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing  44 (1999)


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