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Kolaborasi Kimia FMIPA ITB bersama komunitas kimiawan wilayah Jawa Barat dan mahasiswa kimia mengenalkan praktikum kimia aplikatif, safety laboratorium ke SMAN 3 Banjar



BABANDUNG, fmipa.itb.ac.id, -Based on the possibility of a lack of synergy between the scientific concepts of Chemistry received in high school and those later faced at university level, this has resulted in students viewing Chemistry as difficult to deal with and not applicable. Hence, with the aim of improving the quality of knowledge between universities and high schools, a number of academics, professional communities, and students collaborated to share expertise to develop chemistry learning. This collaboration was made in the form of community service activities at SMAN 3 Banjar, Banjar City, West Java. The parties involved were the team from the Chemistry Study Program FMIPA Institut Teknologi Bandung together with the Chemistry Department FST UNJANI (Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani), Chemistry Study Program FMIPA UMMI (Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi), HKI Jabar-Banten (Indonesian Chemical Association West Java-Banten Branch), and HMK (Chemistry Student Association) ‘AMISCA’ ITB.

This activity carried the theme “Penerapan Modul Kimia Aplikatif dan Safetylab dalam Meningkatkan Kepedulian Lingkungan dan Pembelajaran untuk Siswa Menengah Atas Wilayah Selatan Jawa Barat (Implementation of Applicative Chemistry and Safetylab Modules in Increasing Environmental Awareness and Learning for High School Students in the Southern Region of West Java)”. This activity, which was organized by lecturers and students, was held for two days, August 5-6, 2023, offline and online. This activity was a continuation of collaboration between Chemistry Departments from various universities in the West Java region which are members of Indonesian Chemical Association West Java-Banten Branch. Like activities in previous years, this collaboration spread to the southern region of West Java with a variety of different contributions in the form of practicum, counseling, and FGD.

Dr. Muhammad Yudhistira Azis, as Chemistry Lecturer, Analytical Chemistry Research Group, Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA ITB, Chair of Indonesian Chemical Association West Java-Banten Branch, and chief organizer, stated that this activity was the third year of activity with academics majoring in chemistry in the West Java-Banten region with a larger location widespread in the southern region of West Java, such as Tasikmalaya district, Garut district, and now Banjar city. The involvement of collaborating academics resulted in choosing the location and providing diverse materials, related to increasing skills and improving the quality of chemistry learning for high school students, especially chemistry teachers in the area.

Activities at SMAN 3 Banjar included training in soap making, making simple water filtration, introduction to chempreneur, digital-based product marketing, education on the impact and identification of pollution, and computational chemistry-based experiments. Apart from that, an FGD was also conducted between Banjar City Chemistry teachers to discuss misconceptions about chemistry learning concepts between high school and university levels.
Principal of SMAN 3 Banjar, Dr. Endang Mulyadi welcomed this activity. He stated that students’ basic science abilities are closely related to everyday life. By understanding this, students will be able to make real contributions and be creative while learning. Students will also obtain insight that Chemistry is not something to be afraid of, so that the branding of Chemistry can become more embedded and in the future it will increasingly be considered as an option when continuing their studies at university.

In an effort to increase the understanding and knowledge of teachers and high school students regarding chemistry learning material, innovation is needed to support student understanding, through combined and applied practicums. It is hoped that this will make it easier for students to understand the theories taught at school and enable students to improve their skills in the laboratory and understand the use of chemicals and their impact if they are misused in the environment.
Through applicable experiments analyzing water quality in the environment, students can contribute actively in providing information on clean water quality in villages and schools. Apart from that, through product-making experiments it can increase students’ interest in producing innovative work and foster the character of a sciencepreneur. Another interesting thing which is also new material is the introduction of computing for high school students and teachers, through material implemented visually. It is hoped that it will increase students’ understanding in seeing the structure of chemical molecules which were previously only known through theory and could not be seen with the naked eye.
Knowledge of students and teachers in high schools regarding laboratory safety is also very important to protect them from chemical contamination. This would be very good if it is taught from high school level so that at university and industrial level, they are used to it and are able to avoid dangers and accidents in the laboratory.

This activity was attended by 50 students and 20 science teachers at SMAN 3 Banjar. The response from Banjar City Chemistry teachers who participated in this activity was very positive. These teachers welcomed this collaborative activity between universities and communities, and it is hoped that it can become a routine activity at SMAN 3 Banjar. The interaction of elements at universities with high schools is the first step in strengthening scientific and professional coordination and communication in chemistry education, so that it is ready to meet human resource needs in the industrial and other professional worlds.
It is hoped that in the future, related agencies can also collaborate in this type of activity. The interaction among lecturers, teachers, university students, and high school students will really help in synergizing and sharing knowledge. Apart from providing chemical branding in a scientific way, universities supporting this activity can also promote their study programs to relevant high school students. Hopefully, chemistry can be increasingly loved and provide many benefits for the younger generation in the future. (MYA)