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Doddy Sutarno

Doddy Sutarno2

Prof. Doddy Sutarno, Ph.D.


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Alamat Elektronik : dody[at]fi.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 232
Faks: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1979).
  2. Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1983).
  3. Doktor, Macquarie University, Sidney-Australia (1992).

Karir :

  1. 2005-2009  Anggota Senat Academic, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
  2. 2005-2009 Anggota Senat Fakultas, Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
  3. 2005-2005 Ketua Komisi Program Pascasarjana, Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
  4. 2005-2006 Ketua Kelompok Keilmuan Fisika Sistem Kompleks, Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
  5. 2000-2005 Ketua Kelompok Bidang Keilmuan Fisika Bumi, Departemen Fisika, Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  6. 2002-2003 Anggota Tim Pengembangan Kurikulum Program Studi Fisika, Jurusan Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  7. 1998-2003 Direktur Eksekutif Proyek QUE (Quality Undergraduate Education), Jurusan Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  8. 1998-2001 Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  9. 1997-1998 Anggota Tim Pengembangan Kurikulum Program Studi Fisika, Jurusan Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  10. 1995-1998 Ketua Departemen Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  11. 1995-1998 Implementation Officer, Graduate Study of Physics, of  Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung
  12. 1993-1995 Sekretaris Jurusan Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  13. 1992 Visiting fellow, Centre for Geophysical Exploration Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  14. 1991 Penilai untuk Eksplorasi Geofisika Vol 22.
  15. 1980-1986 Konsultan Geofisika, Geologi R & D Centre, Bandung
  16. 1980-sekarang Staf akademik Fakultas Matematika and and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Induksi Elektromagnetik (EM)
  2. Pengolahan dan Pemodelan Data Fisika


  1. Enjang Jaenal Mustopa, Nurhasan, Wahyu Srigutomo, and Doddy Sutarno, Resistivtiy Structure in Tangkuban Parahu Area Drived from CSAMT Data, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012055, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012055
  2. Harja, A., Srigutomo, W., Tanaka, Y., Kagiyama, T., Sutarno, D., VLF -MT Survey around Nakadake crater at Aso Volcano, IOP Conf. Series,: Earth and Environmental Science, 29, (2016), 012016.
  3. Rudy Prihantoro, Doddy Sutarno and Nurhasan, The Use of Direct Solver in Vector Finite Element Modeling for Calculating 3-D Magnetotelluric Responses, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012110 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012110
  4. D. Sutarno,Development of CSAMT impedance modeling and its estimation, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 020003 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4921048
  5. D. Sutarno,Development on electromagnetic impedance function modeling and its estimation, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 060001 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930681
  6. Rudy Prihantoro, Doddy Sutarno and Nurhasan, Numerical solution of 3-D magnetotelluric using vector finite element method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 060018 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930698
  7. Prihantoro, R., Nurhasan, D. Sutarno, Y. Ogawa, H. Priahadena, and D. Fitriani,Geoelectrical dimensionality analyses in Sumatran Fault (Aceh segment) using magnetotelluric phase tensor,American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, Vol. 1589, 133 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4868767
  8. Mohamad, I.H., W. Srigutomo, D. Sutarno (2013). Interpretation of 1D Vector Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) Data Using Full Solution Modeling, Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, 45:2, 172-189.
  9. Sutarno, D. (2012). Development of CSAMT Impedance Modeling and Its Estimation. The 2nd Asian Physics Symposium (Invited Speacker)
  10. Nurhasan, D. Sutarno, R. Prihantoro, Y. Ogawa, D. Fitriani (2012) , Geoelectrical dimensionality analyses in volcanic region using magnetotelluric phase tensor, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, Vol. 1454, 146; doi: 10.1063/1.4730708
  11. Nurhasan, D Sutarno, Y Ogawa, D Sugiyanto, F Kimata (2012),  Resistivity structure of Sumatran Fault (Aceh segment) derived from 1-D magnetotelluric modeling, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, Vol. 1454, 150; doi: 10.1063/1.4730709
  12. Nurhasan, D. Sutarno,  W. Srigutomo, Sparisoma Viridi, D. Fitriani (2012), Integrated Geophysical Measurements for Subsurface Mapping at Papandayan Volcano, Garut, Indonesia (Preliminary Result), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding, Vol. 1454, 154; doi: 10.1063/1.4730710.
  13. Mohammad, I.H., W. Srigutomo, D. Sutarno, P. Soemintadiredja (2012). The Modeling of 2D Controlled Source Audio Mangnetotelluric (CSAMT) Responses Using Finite Element Method, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 4:7, 294-304.
  14. Mohammad, I.H., W. Srigutomo, D. Sutarno, P. Soemintadiredja (2012). Full Solution Modeling of 1D Controlled-Source Audio-Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) Responses, ITB Journal of Sciences (submitted)
  15. Mustopa, E.J., Srigutomo, W., Sutarno, D., and Fauzi, U. (2011). Resistivtiy Structure in Kamojang Geothermal Field Derived from CSAMT Data, Indonesian Jounal of Physics (IJP), 22:1, 23-29.
  16. Mustopa, E.J., Suhanto, E., Srigutomo, W., and Sutarno, D. (2011). Resistivity Imaging of Mataloko Geothermal Field By Mise-Á-La-Masse Method, Indonesian Jounal of Physics (IJP), 22: 2 (accepted)
  17. Mohammad, I.H., W. Srigutomo, D. Sutarno (2011), 2D Magnetotelluric Modeling Using Boundary Element Methods, Journal Mathematics and Sciences, 16:2, 82-94.
  18. Mohammad, I.H., W. Srigutomo, D. Sutarno (2011), Topographic Effect Modeling of 2D MT Responses Using Boundary Element Method, International Conference on Physics and Applied Physics (ICPAP), Bandung, November 2011 (I)
  19. Nurhasan, D. Sutarno, Y Ogawa, F. Kimata, D Sugiyanto (2011). Investigation of Sumatran Fault Aceh Segment derived from Magnetotelluric Data, The XXV IUGG Conference, Melbourne, July 2011 (I).
  20. Sutarno,D. (2010), Robust Magnetotelluric Impedance Estimation, American Institute of Physics Proceeding, 1325, 24-27.
  21. Nurhasan, D. Sutarno, W. Srigutomo, E.J. Mustopa, U. Fauzi, Y. Ogawa (2009). Three   Dimensional Resistivity Structure of Papandayan Volcano, Indonesia derived from Magnetotelluric Data, The 34th HAGI Annual Convention, Exhibition and 2nd Geophysics Education Symposium Yogyakarta, November 2009
  22. Nurhasan, D. Sutarno, Y. Ogawa (2009).  Dimensionality Analysis of Resistivity Structure of Volcanic Zone from Magnetotelluric Data, The 34th HAGI Annual Convention, Exhibition and 2nd Geophysics Education Symposium Yogyakarta, November 2009.
  23. Harja, W. Srigutomo2, E.J. Mustofa,D. Sutarno (2009). Pendugaan Struktur Resistivitas Cekungan Bandung Bagian Timur, Menggunakan Metode CSAMT Pendekatan Gelombang Bidang, The 34th HAGI Annual Convention, Exhibition and 2nd Geophysics Education Symposium Yogyakarta, November 2009.


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