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Bunbun Bundjali

Bunbun Bundjali2

Dr. Bunbun Bundjali, MS.

Lektor Kepala

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132
E-mail   : bunbun{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon :  (022) 2502103 ext 130
Fax.         :  (022) 2504154


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1979
  2. M.Sc., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1996
  3. Doktor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2005



  1. Siang Tandi Gonggo, Bunbun Bundjali, Ketut Hariyawati, I Made Arcana, The influence of nano-silica on properties of sulfonated polystyrene-lignosulfonate mebranes for direct methanol fuel cell application, Adv. Polym Technol., 2017, 1-9.
  2. Iim, Jefferson, A., Simanjuntak, W., Jeannin, M., Syah, Y.M.., Bundjali, B., Buchari, Synthesis and Characterization of Oligomer 4-Vinylpyridine as A Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in CO2 Saturated Brine Solution, J. Chem. 16:2, (2016), 198-207.
  3. Norman Vincent A. Pasasa, Bunbun Bundjali and Deana Wahyuningrum, The microwave assisted synthesis of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide as potential corrosion inhibitor toward carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution saturated with carbon dioxide, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 070016 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930720
  4. Endah Purwanti, Achmad Rochliadi, Bunbun Bundjali, and I Made Arcana, Preparation of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Corncob Used as Reinforcement in Separator for Lithium Ion Battery, Electric Vehicular Technology and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ICEVT & IMECE), 2015 Joint International Conference, IEEE Explore Digital Library, DOI: 1109/ICEVTIMECE.2015.7496689
  5. Budiman Anwar, Bunbun Bundjali, and I Made Arcana,Isolation of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Bacterial Cellulose Produced from Pineapple Peel Waste Juice as Culture Medium, International Symposium on Applied Chemistry 2015 (ISAC 2015), LIPI, Bandung, 5-7 Oct0ber 2015 (Accepted to publis in proceeding of Procedia Chemistry, Elsevier)
  6. Achmad Rochliadi, Bunbun Bundjali, Hariyawati Dharmi, and I Made Arcana, Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Prepared by Blending of PVA-PEO for Lithium Battery Application, Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (3rd ICEVT 2015) and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (IMECE 2015) ICEVT 2015 & IMEC-E 2015, Surakarta, November 4th – 5th 2015 (Acepted to proceeding of IEEE)
  7. I Made Arcana, Bunbun Bundjali, and Ni Ketut Hariyawati, Preparation of Polymers Electrolyte Membranes for Lithium Battery from Styrofoam Waste, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 875-877 (2014) pp 1529-1533, 2014.
  8. Achmad Rochliadi, Multazam, I Made Arcana, Bunbun Bundjali, Synthesis and analysis of Chitosan-Lithium Battery Cell in Various Charge/Discharge Currents,The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICEECS-2014) and The Second International Conference on Electric Vehicle Technology (ICEVT-2014), 2014
  9. Achmad Rochliadi, Multazam, I Made Arcana, Bunbun Bundjali, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis of Lithium Polymer Batteries During Charge/Discharge Cycles ,The 9th Joint International Conference on Chemistry, (UNDIP Semarang), 2014
  10. Megawati Zunita, Deana Wahyuningrum, Buchari, Bunbun Bundjali, (2012), Investigation of Corrosion Inhibition Activity of 3-butyl-2,4,5-triphenylimidazole and 3-butyl-2-(2-butoxyphenyl)-4,5- diphenylimidazol toward Carbon Steel in 1% NaCl Solution, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(4), 3274-3288.
  11. Siang Tandi Gonggo, Cynthia L. Radiman, Bunbun Bundjali, and I Made Arcana, Properties of Polymer Electrolyte Membranes Prepared by Blending Sulfonated Polystyrene with Lignosulfonate, ITB J. Sci., Vol. 44 A, No. 3, 2012, 285-295
  12. Siang Tandi Gonggo, I Made Arcana, Cynthia L Radiman and Bunbun Bundjali, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyblends from Sulfonated Polystryrene Lignosulfonate as lonomer Memberanes, International Journal of Materilas Sciences, (2011).
  13. Arcana, I.M, ; Bundjali; Hasan;  Zulfikar;  Hariyawati, The Effect of the soft segment of prepolymers on properties of poly(urethane-ester) end its biodegradability, Polymer International, (2011).
  14. Siang Tandi Gonggo, Cynthia L Radiman, Bunbun Bundjali, I Made Arcana, 2010, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyblends from Sulfonated Polystyrene-Lignosulfonate as Ionomer Membranes, International Journal of Material Sciences.
  15. Rafki A, Bundjali B, Wahyuningrum D, 2010, The impact of ascorbic acid function cluster change into 5,6-O-isopropylidene ascorbic acid to the ability to inhibit carbon steel corrosion in NaCl 1% environment, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
  16. Prajnamitra RP, Wahyuningrum D, Bundjali B, 2010, The synthesis of conjugated imine derivative compounds as potential OLED compound precursors, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
  17. Kurniasih R, Wahyuningrum D, Bundjali B, 2010, The synthesis of 2-(2-hydroxy-5-((4- nitrophenyl)diazenyl)-phenyl-4,5-di(2-pyridyl)imidazole as corrosion inhibitor towards carbon steel in 1% NaCl solution, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
  18. Ketis NK, Wahyuningrum D, Achmad S, Bundjali B, 2010, Efektivitas asam glutamat sebagai inhibitor korosi pada baja karbon dalam larutan NaCl 1%”, Mat. Sains15(1), 1-8.
  19. Gonggo ST, Arcana IM, Radiman CL, Bundjali B, 2010, Properties of polyblends prepared from sulfonated polystyrene-lignosulfonate for direct methanol fuel cell, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  20. Bunbun Bundjali, M Hasan, Ketut Hariyawati, Helen Mariani, Shinta Dewi Anggraini, and Aditya Ardana, 2010, Study on Properties of Poly(urethane-ester) Synthesized from Prepolymers of e-Caprolactone and 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-Propanediol Monomers and Their Biodegradability, Journal of Polymer and the Environment, 18, 188-195.

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