
Prof. Dr. Buchari
Guru Besar
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132
Email : buchari{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon : (+62) 22 [250 2103] xt 1304
Fax : (+62) 22 [2504154]
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, 40132
Email : buchari{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon : (+62) 22 [250 2103] xt 1304
Fax : (+62) 22 [2504154]
- Drs., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1974
- Diplome d’Etude Superieure Spesialise (DESS), USTL, Motpellier, France, 1977
- Doctorat de 3eme Cycle, USTL, Motpellier, France, 1979
- Postdoctoral, Laboratoire de Chimie Nuclear et Industrielle, Ecole Centrale de Paris, 1990
- Kursus Peralatan Penelitian Elektrokimia Analitik, Laboratoire du Tacussel, Lyon, France, 1979
- Widya Ernayati Kosimaningrum, Thi Xuan Huong Le, Yaovi Holade, Mikhael Bechelany, Sophie Tingry, Buchari Buchari, Indra Noviandri, Christophe Innocent, and Marc Cretin, Surfactant- and Binder-Free Hierarchical Platinum Nanoarrays Directly Grown onto a Carbon Felt Electrode for Efficient Electrocatalysis, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 22476−22489. DOI:10.1021/acsami.7b04651
- Ummy Mardiana, Christophe Innocent, Marc Cretin, Buchari, Henry Setiyanto, Rianti Nurpalah, Meti Kusmiati, Anode modification by immobilization of biocatalyst for Microbial Desalination Cell. In: 6th International Conference on Innovations in Chemical, Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (ICIBCAE’2017), Bangkok, Thailand. http://www.earet.org/proceedingspdf.php?id=49
- Chansyanah Diawati, Liliasari, Agus Setiabudi, and Buchari, Students’ construction of a simple steam distillation apparatus and development of creative thinking skills: A project-based learning, AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 030002 (2017); http://doi.org/10.1063/1.4983934
- Juliasih, N., Buchari, Noviandri, I., Application of SnO2 nanoparticle as sulfide gas sensor using UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 188(1),012025, 2017
- Juliasih, N., Buchari, Noviandri, I., Application of ZnO Nanoparticle as Sulphide Gas Sensor Using UV/VIS/NIR-Spectrophotometer, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 824(1),012020, 2017.
- Diawati C., Liliasari, M., Setiabudi, A., Buchari, A simple student spectrohotometer using a green laser pointer and a lux-meter, A project based laboratory, Chem. Ed., 2016-008814.
- Handayani, N., Wahyuningrum, D., Zulfikar, M. A., Nurbaiti, S., Radiman, C. L., Buchari, The synthesis of biodiesel catalyzed by Mucormieheilipase immobilized onto aminatedpolyethersulfone membranes, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 3:22, (2016), DOI: 10.1186/s40643-016-0098-4
- Iim, Jefferson, A., Simanjuntak, W., Jeannin, M., Syah, Y.M.., Bundjali, B., Buchari, Synthesis and Characterization of Oligomer 4-Vinylpyridine as A Corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in CO2 Saturated Brine Solution, J. Chem. 16:2, (2016), 198-207.
- Zul Ahram, Muhammad Nurdin, Buchari Buchari, Photoelectrocatalysis performance of La2O3 doped TiO2/Ti electrode in degradation of Rhodamine B organic compound, J. Chem. Tech. Research, 9:1, (2016).
- Nurrahmi Handayani, Deana Wahyuningrum, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, Santi Nurbaiti, Cynthia L. Radiman and Buchari, The synthesis of biodiesel cztzlysed by Mucor meihei lipase imobilised onto aminated ether polyethersulfone membrane, Bioresouces and Bioprocessing, 3:22, (2016), DOI 10.1186/s40643-016-0098-4.
- Mardiana, U. Innocent, C., Cretin, M., Buchari, B. Gandasasmita, S., Yeast fuel cell: Application for desalination. 10th Joint Conference on Chemistry. IOP Conf.Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 107:012049, (2016), 1-14
- Azis M.Y., Asia L., Piram A., Buchari B., Doumenq P., Syakti A.D., Aliphatics hydrocarbon content in surface sediment from Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. 10th Joint Conference on Chemistry. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci.Eng., 107:012007, (2016), 1-8
- Azis MY., Yelmiza., Asia L., Piram A., Buchari B., Doumenq P., Syakti A.D., Occurence of aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Mytillus galloprovincialis from the traditional market in Marseille, France, by Gas Chromatography triplequadropole tandem Mass Spectrometry (GC-QQQ/MS). 10th Joint Conference on Chemistry. IOP Conf.Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 2016, 107(012008), 1-9
- Ummy Mardiana, Christophe Innocent, Marc Cretin, Buchari Buchari and Suryo Gandasasmita, Yeast fuel cell: Application for desalination, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 107 (2016), 012049 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/107/1/012049
- Henry Setiyanto, Vienna Saraswaty, Rukman Hertadi and Buchari Buchari, Determination of the Reactivity of the Anti-cancer Nitrogen Mustard-Mechlorethamine: A Cyclic Voltammetric Investigation, Bioanal. Electrochem., 7:6, (2015), 657–665.
- Ummy Mardiana, Christophe Innocent, Marc Cretin, Buchari Buchari and Suryo Gandasasmita, Yeast fuel cell: Application for desalination, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 107 (2016), 012049 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/107/1/012049
- Ummy Mardiana, Christophe Innocent, Haytem Jarrar, Marc Cretin, Buchari, Suryo Gandasasmita, Electyropolymerized Neutral Red as Redox Mediator for Yeast Fuel Cell, J. Electrochem. Sci., 10, (2015) 8886-889.
- Sri Widarti, Zeily Nurachman, Buchari, Muhammad Bachri Amran, Diaminoalkane as Spacer Arm between Polystyrene and b-Cylodextrin in Affinity Chromatography for a-Amylase Separation, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 4, (2014), 709-714.
- Saefurohman, A, Buchari, Noviandri, I, Syoni. 2014. Potentiometric measurement of polymer-membrane electrodes based on lanthanum, AIP Conf. Proc., 1589, (2014), 159-163.
- Mulyani, R, Noviandri, I, Buchari, B, Ciptati, C, Chailapakul, O., Electrochemical oxidation of sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate, cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide and oleic acid at platinum and cobalt hydroxide modified platinum electrodes, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9(5), (2014), 2410-2419.
- Buchari,, Indra Noviandri, Maria Evita, and Mitra Djamal, Characterization of Coated Wire Nitrate Selective Electrode Sensor for Determination of Nitrate Concentration in an Aqueous Sample, ITB Journal, 2014 (Proses Review)
- Aladin, S, Amran, M.B, Buchari, B, Arcana, I.M. Incorporation of network in synthesis of zircon-imprinted polymer and its effect on zircon ion extraction, AIP Conf. Proc., 1589, (2014), 230-234.
- Rusnadi Rusnadi, Buchari Buchari, M. Bachri Amran, Deana Wahyuningrum (2012), Cerium Adsorption Using 1-Phenyl-3-Methyl-4-Benzoyl- 5-Pyrazolone(HPMBP) Loaded Calcium Alginate Beads, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 2(5), 496-499.
- Ria Sri Rahayu, Indra Noviandri, Buchari Buchari, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Teruo Hinoure, (2012), The effect of laser pulse irradiation at glassy carbon electrode on the electrochemistry of dopamine an ascorbic acid, J. Electrochem. Sci., 7, pp. 8225-8265.
- Murniati A., Buchari B., Gandasasmita S., Nurachman Z. (2012), Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole polyphenol oxidase (PPy/PPO) on platinum electrode, Research J. Pharm. Biol. Chem. Sci., 3(4), 855.
- Megawati Zunita, Deana Wahyuningrum, Buchari, Bunbun Bundjali, (2012), Investigation of Corrosion Inhibition Activity of 3-butyl-2,4,5-triphenylimidazole and 3-butyl-2-(2-butoxyphenyl)-4,5- diphenylimidazol toward Carbon Steel in 1% NaCl Solution, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 7(4), 3274-3288.
- Irdhawati, I., Tatsumi, H., Noviandri, I., Buchari,, Ibrahim, S., (2012), Cyclic Voltammetry of Ion Transfer for Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride at Water|Nitrobenzene Interface, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 59 (1) , pp. 40-45.
- Handayani N., Loos K., Wahyuningrum D., Buchari, Zulfikar M.A., (2012), Immobilization of Mucor miehei Lipase onto Macroporous Aminated Polyethersulfone Membrane for Enzymatic Reactions, Membranes, 2, 198-213.
- Setiyanto, I.B.L. Simbolon, Rifka, M.A. Zulfikar, M.B. Amran, B. Buchari (2012), Comparative study on leachate in old and new municipal solid waste landfills at Bandung- Indonesia, European Journal of Scientific Research, 79(2):159-165.
- Aladin Sianipar, Amran M.B, Buchari Buchari, I Made Arcana, , Effect Of Degree Binary Complex Of Imprint Ion On The Extraction Of Zircon Ion, IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSRJAC) Vol.1(4), 15-19 (2012), .
- Setiyanto, H., Saraswaty, V., Hertadi, R., Noviandri, I., Buchari, B., Cyclic Voltammetric Study of Chlorambucil in The presence of 4-Chloro Butyronitrile in Aqueous Solution, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 3:4, (2011).
- Setiyanto, H., Saraswaty, V., Hertadi, R., Noviandri, I., Buchari, B., Chemical reactivity of chlorambucyl in organic solvents: Influence of 4-chloro butyronitrile nucleophile to voltammogram profiles, International Journal Electrochem. Sci., 6, 2090-2100, (2011).
- Irdhawati, I., Tatsumi, H., Noviandri, I., Buchari, B., Ibrahim, S., Cyclic Voltammetry of Ion Transfer for Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride at Water Nitrobenzene Interface, Chin. Chem. Soc., 58:3, (2011).
- Zunita M, Buchari, Wahyuningrum D, 2010, Synthesis and characterization of 3-butyl-2-(2-butoxyphenyl)-4,5-diphenylimidazole as corrosion inhibitor toward carbon steel in 1% NaCl solution, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
- Setiyanto H, Hertadi R, Noviandri I, Buchari, Studi voltametri siklik pada penentuan reaktifitas kimia senyawa klorambusil menggunakan elektroda kerja platina pada beberapa pelarut, Seminar Nasional Kimia Unesa 2010, Surabaya, 2010.
- Setiyanto H, Saraswaty V, Hertadi R, Noviandri I, Buchari, 2010, Cyclic voltammetry study of chlorambucil in the presence of 4-chloro butyronitrile as a nucleophile”,Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
- Setiyanto H, Amran MB, Suarsa S, Buchari, Pengaruh Leachate terhadap kualitas air lingkungan pada TPA Rajamandala Kabupaten Bandung, Seminar Nasional Kimia Unesa 2010, Surabaya, 2010.
- Saprudin, D., Buchari, Iswantini D., 2010, Sintesis 4-Dodecandioylbis(1-Phenyl- 3-Methyl-5- Pyrazolone sebagai Ionofor Sensor Lutesium(III) Untuk Penentuan Ion Lutesium(III) secara potensiometri, Jurnal Kimia Indonesia, 5(1), 27-29.
- Rusnadi, Buchari, Amran MB, Wahyuningrum D, Enkapsulasi ligan 4-sebacoylbis(1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone) (H2SbBP) dalam garam alginat untuk retensi La(III) dan Ce(III), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia Unesa 2010, Surabaya, 2010.
- Ria Sri Rahayu, Buchari, Indra Noviandri, 2010, Effects of Carbon Paste Electrodes Modification on Voltammetric Peak Separation of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid,Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 23-25 November 2010, Bandung, Indonesia
- Rahayu RS, Buchari, Noviandri I, 2010, Effects of carbon paste electrodes modification on voltammetric peak separation of dopamine and ascorbic acid, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
- Panggabean AS, Amran MB, Buchari B, Pasaribu SP, 2010, Integrated gas-liquid separator-reactor for determination of Sn(II) at trace levels in solution, J. Chem., 10(1), 51-57.
- Nurrahmi Handayani, Buchari, Deana Wahyuningrum, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, 2010, Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Poli (eter-sulfon) dan Poli(eter-sulfon) ternitrasi sebagai Material Membran untuk Imobilisasi Lipase, Jurnal Kimia Indonesia, 5(1), 7-16.
- Muhammad Bachri Amran, A. Sentosa Panggabean and Buchari, 2010, Ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography for speciation oforganotin compounds, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique, 22(3), 129-134.
- Megawati Zunita, Buchari, and Deana Wahyuningrum, 2010, Synthesis and Characterization of Butylated 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-4,5-diphenylimidazole as corrosion inhibitor and starting material of ionic liquid production,Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 23-25 November 2010, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Irdhawati, Buchari, Indra Noviandri, Slamet Ibrahim, Hirosuke Tatsumi, 2010, Ion transfer voltammetry of Phenyl propanolamine at water|1,2-Dichloroethane interface, Proceeding of Regional Electrochemistry Meeting of South East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Henry Setiyanto, Vienna Saraswaty, Rukman Hertadi, Indra Noviandri, Buchari, 2010, Cyclic Voltammetry Study of Chlorambucil in Presence of 4-Chloro Butyronitrile as a Nucleophile,Proceeding of International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 23-25 November 2010, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Henry Setiyanto, Muhamad Bachri Amran, Saepudin Suarsa, Buchari, Pengaruh Leachate terhadap kualitas air lingkungan pada TPA Rajamandala Kabupaten Bandung, Seminar Nasional Kimia Unesa 2010, Surabaya.
- Henry Setiyanto, Rukman Hertadi, Indra Noviandri, Buchari, Studi Voltametri Siklik pada penentuan Reaktifitas Kimia Senyawa Klorambusil menggunakan Elektroda Kerja Platina pada beberapa Pelarut, Seminar Nasional Kimia Unesa 2010, Surabaya.
- Hendro, Rahmatullah, Natal, M. Djamal, D. Kurnia, R. Hidayat, Buchari, 2010, Determination of the Dielectric Constant and the Thickness of Gold Film by SPR Technique, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1325, 285-288.
- Handayani N, Buchari, Wahyuningrum D, Zulfikar MA, 2010, Synthesis and characterization of aminated polyether sulfone as solid support material for lipase immobilization”,Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
- Handayani N, Buchari, Wahyuningrum D, Zulfikar MA, 2010, Sintesis dan karakterisasi poli(eter-sulfon) dan poli(eter-sulfon) ternitrasi sebagai material membran untuk imobilisasi lipase”, Kim. Indon., 5(1), 7-16.
- Amran MB, Panggabean AS, Buchari B, 2010, Ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography for speciation of organotin compounds, Toxicol. Anal., 22, 129-134.
- S. Panggabean, M.B. Amran, Buchari, S.P. Pasaribu, 2010, Integrated Gas-Liquid Separator- Reactor for Determination of Sn(II) at trace levels in Solution, Indo. J. Chem., 10(1), 51-57.
- Khaldun I., Sulaman A., Amran M.B., Buchari, Separation of Sm(III) and GD(III) using Solvent Impregnated Resin Containing Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phosporic Acid (D2EHPA) and Tributylphosphate (TBP), Proceeding International Seminar on Chemistry (ICS), 2008.
- Fitri, N., Kastenholz, B., Buchari, Amran, M.B., Warganegara, F.M., Molybdenum speciation in raw phloem sap of castor bean, Analytical Letters, 41 (10), pp. 1773-1784, 2008.
- Fitri N., Kastenholz B., Amran M.B., Buchari, Warganegara F.M., Molybdenum Speciation in Raw Phloem Sap of Castor Bean, Analytical Letters, (2008), 41(10), 1773–1784.
- Deana Wahyuningrum, Sadijah Achmad, Yana Maolana Syah, Buchari and Bambang Ariwahjoedi, Some Imidazole Derivative Compounds as Corrosion Inhibitors toward Carbon Steel in 1% NaCl Solution, Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, 10, 22, 2007.