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Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Email: loka{at}chem.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [250 2103] xt:1107
Fax: +62 (22) [2504154]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1985
  2. Dipl, Biotech., International Institute of Biotechnology, England, 1988
  3. Ph.D, University of Kent at Canterbury, England, 1991

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Molecular Biology of Thermophilic Bacteria.
  2. Molecular Genetics Analysis of A Novel Yeast Translational Factor.


  1. Nurhasanah, Santi Nurbaiti, Fida Madayanti, and Akhmaloka (2017). Heterlogous Expression of Gene Encoded Thermostable Lipase and Lipolytic Activity. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 11 (1), p. 135-139 (Q4)
  2. Yogi Yopa Kristia, Syifa F. Syihab, and Akhmaloka (2017). Cloning and Characterization of Lipase gene from a Local Isolate of Pseudoxanthomonas sp. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 14(2), p. 503-507 (Q4)
  3. Syihab, F.S., Warganegara, F.M., Akhmaloka (2017). Purification and Characterization of Thermostable and Alcohol tolerant Lipase from Pseudoxanthomonas sp. African Journal of Biotechnology (in press) (Q3)
  4. Syihab, S. F., Warganegara F. M.,, Isolation of Local Lipolytic Isolate from Domestic Compost, International Journal of Science and Engineering
  5. Suharti, Nurbaiti S., Akhmaloka, Novel Archaeal DNA Polymerase B from Domas Hot Spring West Java, International Journal of Science and Engineering
  6. Nurhasanah, Santi Nurbaiti, Fida Madayantiand Akhmaloka, Amplification of thermostable lipase genes fragment from thermogenic phase of domestic waste composting process, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 090003 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930748
  7. Mukhammad Asy’ari, Pingkan Aditiawati, Akhmaloka, and Rukman Hertadi, Structural Analysis of Halophilic Lipases Isolated from Bledug Kuwu Mud Crater, Purwodadi-Grobogan, Indonesia: A Structural Bioinformatics Study, Procedia Chemistry, 16, (2015), 392–399, International Symposium on Applied Chemistry 2015, doi:10.1016/j.proche.2015.12.069
  8. Herasari D., Warganegara F. M., Hertadi R., Akhmaloka ,Dynamics Conformation of The Lid from Manuk Lipase by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Prosidings Seminar International Conference Indonesian Chemical Society
  9.  Syifa F. Syihab, Fida Madayanti and Akhmaloka, Isolation, Characterization and Identification of Lipolytic Thermophiles with Methanol Tolerance from Domestic Compost, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 9, Special Edition, Nov. 2015, pp. 385-390.
  10. Suharti, Nishia Waya Meray, Santi Nurbaiti and Akhmaloka, Cloning and Expression of A Novel Gene Encoded Thermostable Archaeal Aldolase Class II from Natural Sample, Bioscience, Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(2), (2015), 1023-1029. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1754
  11. Ridho Brilliantoro, Robby Zidny, Made Puspasari Widhiastuty and Akhmaloka, Hydrolytic and Transesterification Activities of Thermostable Lipase ITB1.1, Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(1), (2015), 01-06, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1628
  12. Nurhasanah, Santi Nurbaiti, Fida Madayanti Warganegara, Akhmaloka, Diversity of Gene Encoding Thermostable Lipase from Compost Based on Metagenome Analysis, International Journal of Integrative Biology, 16:1, (2015), 07-12.
  13. Asy’ari, M, Aditiawati, P., Akhmaloka, and Hertadi, R., Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Lipase Gene of Halophilic Bacteria Isolated from Mud Crater of Bledug Kuwu, Central Java, Indonesia,Bioscience, Biotechnology Research Asia, 12(3), (2015), 1903-1912, DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/bbra/1856
  14. Tri Wahyudi, S, Utami Dewi, S, Anggraeni, A, Dahlan, K, Akhmaloka, Ali Zulfikar, M.A, Hertadi, R. Simple and easy method to synthesize chicken eggshell based Hydroxyapatite, Advanced Materials Research, 896, (2014), 276-279.
  15. Suharti, Hertadi R., Warganegara F., Nurbaiti S., and Akhmaloka, Diversity of gene encoded crenarchaeal DNA polymerase B from natural sample, International Journal of Integrative Biology, (2014), 15(2): 44-48.
  16. Safika, Madayanti F., Aditiawati P., and Akhmaloka, Succession Culture-independent Methanogenic Archaeal from Manure Compost, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, (2014), 8(4). P. 2837-2844
  17. Pikoli, M.R., Aditiawati P., Akhmaloka, Astuti D.I., Wijayanti, R., Growth of Bacillus megaterium CSK2, Bacillus subtilis CSK3 and Bacillus subtilis Containing Medium, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 14(2), (2014), 455-462.
  18. Asy’ari M., Parwata I.P., Aditiawati P., Akhmaloka, and Hertadi R., Isolation and Identification of Halostable lipase producing bacteria from the Bledug Kuwu Mud crater located at Purwodadi-Grobongan, Central Java Indonesia, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, (2014), 8(5).
  19. Widhiastuty, M.P., Wahyudi, S.T., Moeis, M.R., Madayanti, F., Akhmaloka, Cloning and sequence analysis of lipase gene from DMS3 isolate, Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 2012, 9 (1), pp. 187-192
  20. Viera, B.V.E., Madayanti, F., Aryantha, I.N.P., Akhmaloka, Succession of eukaryotic communities during traditional composting of domestic waste based on PCR-DGGE analysis-Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 6 (2), pp. 525-536
  21. Nurbaiti, S., Martoprawiro, M.A., Akhmaloka, Hertadi, R., The role of electrostatic interactions on Klentaq1 insight for domain separation, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights 2012, 6, pp. 225-234
  22. Widhiastuty, Febriani, Moeis, Akhmaloka, F. Madayanti, Cloning, Homological Analysis and Expression of Lipase Gene from Hot Spring Isolate, International Journal of Integrative Biology, (2011).
  23. Viera BVE, Aryantha INP, Madayanti F, Akhmaloka,“PCR amplification of prokaryotic and eukaryotic rRNA gene from microorganism during the composting process of domestic waste”,The 3rd Gruber-Soedigdo Lecture, Bandung, 27-30 Juli 2010.
  24. Suharti, Hertadi R, Warganegara FM, Nurbaiti S, Akhmaloka, 2010, PCR amplification of archaeal DNA polymerase B genes fragment from natural sample of Domas Hot Spring, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
  25. Suharti, Hertadi R, Warganegara FM, Nurbaiti S, Akhmaloka, Internal primer design for cloning of thermostable archaeal DNA polymerase genes from environmental sample, The 3rd Gruber-Soedigdo Lecture, Bandung, 27-30 Juli 2010.
  26. Santi Nurbaiti, Hidemi Nagao, Hiroaki Saito, Rukman Hertadi, Muhamad A Martoprawiro, Akhmaloka, 2010, Domain motions of klenow-like DNA polymerase I ITB-1 in the absence of substrate, International Journal of Intergrative Biology (IJIB), 9(2), 104-110.
  27. Safika, Madayanti F, Aditiawati P, Akhmaloka, 2010, Profiling DGGE bands for analyzing structure community during manure composting process, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung.
  28. Safika, Madayanti F, Aditiawati P, Akhmaloka, Amplification of 16s rRNA gene directly from manure compost, The 3rd Gruber-Soedigdo Lecture, Bandung, 27-30 Juli 2010.
  29. Hira Helwati, Santi Nurbaiti, Rukman Hertadi, Fida Madayanti Warganegara, Akhmaloka, 2010, Individual domain stability of klenow-like DNA Pol 1 ITB-1 based on molecular dynamic simulation, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia, 7(2), 517-528.
  30. Febriani F, Madayanti R, Hertadi R, Akhmaloka, 2010, Production of Thermostable Alkaline Lipase From Kawah Hujan Kamojang Hot Spring Isolate, Third International Conference On Mathematics and Sciences 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 2010.
  31. Febriani F, Madayanti R, Hertadi R, Akhmaloka, Partial purification of alkaline thermostable lipase from Geobacillus kaustophilus purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, The 3rd Gruber-Soedigdo Lecture, Bandung, 27-30 Juli 2010.
  32. Nurbaiti, S., Hertadi, R., Martoprawiro, M.A., Akhmaloka, Interface domain interactions on early stage unfolding of DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment, International Journal of Integrative Biology, 6 (1), pp. 46-51, 2009.
  33. Yohandini, H., Madayanti, F., Aditiawati, P., Akhmaloka, Diversity of microbial thermophiles in a neutral hot spring (Kawah Hujan A) of Kamojang geothermal field, Indonesia, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2 (2), pp. 283-294, 2008
  34. Madayanti, F., El Viera, B.V., Widhiastuty, M.P., Akhmaloka, Characterization and identification of thermophilic lipase producing bacteria from thermogenic compost, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2(2), pp. 325-332, 2008.
  35. Aminin, A.L.N., Warganegara, F.M., Aditiawati, P., Akhmaloka, Simple enrichment and independent cultures to expand bacterial community analysis from gedongsongo hot spring, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 106 (2), pp. 211-214, 2008.
  36. Akhmaloka, Susilowati, P.E., Subandi, Madayanti, F., Mutation at tyrosine in AMLRY (GILRY Like) motif of yeast eRF1 on nonsense codons suppression and binding affinity to eRF3, International Journal of Biological Sciences, 4 (2), pp. 87-95, 2008.
  37. Helawati, R. Hertadi, F. Madayanti and Akhmaloka, Heterologous Expression and Purification of DNA Polymerase I ITB in Escherichia coli, JSChem-ITB-UKM, 2007.
  38. E. Susilowati, P. Aditiawati, F. Madayanti, and Akhmaloka, Phenotypic Analysis of T295 eRF1 Mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, JSChem ITB-UKM, 2007.


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