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Acep Purqon

Acep Purqon 2

Acep Purqon, Ph.D.


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
E-mail : acep[at]fi.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 246
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  2. Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  3. Doktor, Kanazawa University, Japan



Bidang Penelitian

  1. [research here]


  1. Alifian Mahardhika, Acep Purqon, Random Matrix Theory Approach to Indonesia Energy Portfolio Analysis, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012022 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012022
  2. Imam Abdul Rahman, Acep Purqon, First Principles Study of Molybdenum Disulfide Electronic Structure, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012026 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012026
  3. Muhammad Y H Widianto and Acep Purqon, Electronic Properties of Rare-Earth Doped α-GaN, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012027 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012027
  4. Dian Fitrasari and Acep Purqon, The Effects of Hydration on Protein of Azurin using Coarse-Grained Method and The Free-Energy Analysis, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012034 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012034
  5. Pradipto, Acep Purqon Accuracy and Numerical Stabilty Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Method with Multiple Relaxation Time for Incompressible Flows, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012035 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012035
  6. Aflah Zaharo and Acep Purqon, The Calculation Study of Electronic Properties of Doped RE (Eu, Er and Tm)-GaN using Density Functional Theory, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012051 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012051
  7. Imam Wijaya, Acep Purqon, Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Medium Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012056, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012056
  8. Widya Liana Aji and Acep Purqon, Thermoeconomical Productivity Analysis in Manufacturing Sector in Indonesia, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012059, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012059
  9. Sayahdin Alfat and Acep Purqon, Heat and Mass Transfer Model in Freeze-Dried Medium, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012061, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012061
  10. Cahyo Aji Hapsoro, Acep Purqon, and Wahyu Srigutomo, Preliminary Study of 2-D Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) Modeling to Analyze Subsurface Resistivity Distribution and its Application to the Geothermal Systems, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012070, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012070
  11. Diah Angraina Fitri and Acep Purqon, Calculation Study of Electric Properties on Molybdenum Disulfide By Using Density Functional Theory, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 877, (2017) 012071, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012071
  12. Arnita Irianti, Acep Purqon, Model Salinitas Dari Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 1-6, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  13. Aflah Zaharo, Acep Purqon, Studi Prinsip Pertama Struktur Elektronik Gallium Nitride Didoping Rare Earth Menggunakan Metoda Density Functional Theory, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 949-958, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  14. Muhammad Y.H. Widianto, Acep Purqon, Studi Awal Perhitungan Struktur Elektronik GaN Doping Rare-Earth(Eu, Tm), Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 959-964, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  15. Sayahdin Alfat, Acep Purqon, Efek Tekanan pada Transfer Panas dan Massa Menggunakan Persamaan Luikov, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 688-694, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  16. Santi Hatmanti, Acep Purqon, Visualisasi Aliran Fluida Menggunakan Variabel Kompleks pada Model Dinamika Air Tanah, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 672-679, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  17. Raditya R Rusmiputro, Acep Purqon, Perhitungan Hedging Menggunakan Model Gerak Random Brownian Black-Scholes dengan Simulasi Monte Carlo Pada Pergerakan Forex, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 630-635, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  18. Nailis Sa’adah, Acep Purqon, Perbandingan Hasil Deteksi Tepi Pada Citra Kanker Payudara Dengan Menggunakan Metode Canny dan Metode Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 550-558, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  19. Jainal Abidin, Acep Purqon, Pemodelan Polusi Udara dengan Gaussian Plume, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 444-452, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  20. Budiman Nasution, Acep Purqon, Uji Respon Struktur Bangunan Bertingkat Terhadap Gempa Bumi Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 150-158, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  21. Arfian Alimansyah, Acep Purqon, Aplikasi Hidden Markov Model dalam Prediksi Harga Saham di Indonesia, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 102-108, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  22. Diah Angraina Fitri, Acep Purqon, Studi Perhitungan Struktur Elektronik pada Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) dengan Metode Density Functional Theory (DFT), Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 208-214, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  23. Alifian Mahardhika, Acep Purqon, Aplikasi Fisika Statistik dalam Pengoptimalan Portofolio LQ45 pada Pasar Saham Indonesia dengan Metode Random Matrix Theory, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 60-63, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  24. Dian Fitrasari, Acep Purqon, Pengaruh Hidrasi pada Protein Kompleks Azurin menggunakan Metode Coarse-Grained dan Analisis Free Energy, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 225-233, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  25. Henny Dwi Bhakti, Acep Purqon, Aplikasi Artificial Neural Network (ANN) untuk Memprediksi Perilaku Sumur Geotermal, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 374-384, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  26. Hertalina Kilay, Acep Purqon, Studi Analisis Airtanah Pada Confined Aquifer, Unconfined Aquifer dan Half-Confined Aquifer, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 405-410, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  27. A K Wardani and A Purqon, Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Soil in Complex Plant Soil System using Artificial Neural Networks, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012007, DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012007
  28. Andiwijayakusuma, D., Saito, M., Purqon, A., Density functional theory study : Electronic structures of RE:GaN in wurtzite Gα15RE1N16, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016). 012027.
  29. Briandhika Utama and Acep Purqon, Feynman path integral application on deriving black-scholes diffusion equation for european option pricing, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012021 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012021
  30. Dinan Andiwijayakusuma, Mineo Saito and Acep Purqon, Density functional theory study : Electronic structures of RE:GaN in wurtzite Gα15RE1N16, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012027 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012027
  31. Asis Pattisahusiwa, The Houw Liong and Acep Purqon, Comparison of outliers and novelty detection to identify ionospheric TEC irregularities during geomagnetic storm and substorm, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012015 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012015
  32. Imam Wijaya and Acep Purqon, Simulation of Two Phase Fluid Flow With Various Kinds of Barriers Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012063 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012063
  33. Marati Husna and Acep Purqon, Prediction of Dried Durian Moisture Content Using Artificial Neural Networks, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012077 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012077
  34. Rifa’atul Maulidah and Acep Purqon, Comparison of Mathematical Equation and Neural Network Modeling for Drying Kinetic of Mendong in Microwave Oven, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012106 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/01210
  35. Sri R Natasia and Acep Purqon, The effect of orientation dynamics in melittin as antimicrobial peptide in lipid bilayer calculated by free energy method, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012120 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012120
  36. Aprianti, D., Haryanto, F., Purqon, A.,Khotimah, S.N., Viridi, S., Study of budding yeast colony formation and its characterizations by using circular granular cell, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,, 694(1), (2016), 012079.
  37. Husna, M., Purqon, A., Prediction of Dried Durian Moisture Content Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012077.
  38. Maulidah, R., Purqon, A., Comparison of Mathematical Equation and Neural Network Modeling for Drying Kinetic of Mendong in Microwave Oven, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012106.
  39. Natasia, S.R., Purqon, A., The effect of orientation dynamics in melittin as antimicrobial peptide in lipid bilayer calculated by free energy method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012120.
  40. Pattisahusiwa, A., Liong, T.H., Purqon, A., DocumentComparison of outliers and novelty detection to identify ionospheric TEC irregularities during geomagnetic storm and substorm,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,, 739(1), (2016), 012015.
  41. Pattisahusiwa, , Purqon, A., Viridi, S., Document Hydrostatic Simulation of Earth’s Atmospheric Gas Using Multi-particle Collision Dynamics, IOP Conf. Series, Earth and Environmental Science, 29 (2016), 012006.
  42. Wijaya, I., Purqon, A., Document Simulation of Two Phase Fluid Flow with Various Kinds of Barriers Using Lattice Boltzmann Method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012063.
  43. Wardani, A.K., Purqon, A., Thermal Conductivity Prediction of Soil in Complex Plant Soil System using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012007.
  44. Utama, B., Purqon, A., Feynman path integral application on deriving black-scholes diffusion equation for european option pricing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739(1), (2016), 012021.
  45. Suparno, E.N., Jo, S.K., Lim, K., Purqon, A.,Kim, S.Y., Group identification in Indonesian stock market, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,, 739(1), (2016), 012037.
  46. Purqon, A.,Matubayasi, N., Free-energy analysis of the preferred configuration of transmembrane protein in model membrane: Roles of lipid and water, AIP Conf. Proc. 1712, (2016), 020001-1–020001-6.
  47. Ulin Nuha Abdul Qohar, Kyuseong Lim, Soo Yong Kim, The Houw Liong and Acep Purqon, Random matrix appro1ach to group correlations in development country financial market, AIP Conf. Proc. 1692, 1692, 020002 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936430
  48. A. Wella, M. Syaputra, T. D. K. Wungu, A. Purqonand Suprijadi, Hydrogen concentration and electric field dependent on electronic properties of germanene, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080002 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930733
  49. Muhammad Salman Alfarisy, Rizki M. Putra, The Houw Liongand Acep Purqon, Analysis of swing voter in the Indonesian election of 2014 presidential candidates using Twitter data, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080014 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930745
  50. Marhamni Syaputra, Sasfan Arman Wella, Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu, Acep Purqonand Suprijadi, Study on transport properties of silicene monolayer under external field using NEGF method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080012 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930743
  51. Marhamni Syaputra, Sasfan Arman Wella, Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu, Acep Purqonand Suprijadi, Study of hydrogenated silicene: The initialization model of hydrogenation on planar, low buckled and high buckled structures of silicene, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080006 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930737
  52. Irsantyo Mahandrio, Andriantama Budi, The Houw Liongand Acep Purqon, Prediction analysis and comparison between agriculture and mining stocks in Indonesia by using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080004 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930735
  53. Dian Nuraiman, Sparisoma Viridiand Acep Purqon, Application of lattice Boltzmann method for analysis of underwater vortex dynamics, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080001 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930732
  54. Asis Pattisahusiwa, The Houw Liongand Acep Purqon, A method for separating seismo-ionospheric TEC outliers from heliogeomagnetic disturbances by using nu-SVR, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 060009 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930689
  55. Andri Rahmadhani, Acep Purqon, Sehyun Kimand Soo Yong Kim, Complex network analysis of conventional and Islamic stock market in Indonesia, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080010 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930741
  56. Andriantama Budi Trianto, M. Hadi, The Houw Liongand Acep Purqon, Analysis prediction of Indonesian banks (BCA, BNI, MANDIRI) using adaptive neuro–fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and investment strategies, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080007 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930738
  57. Acep Purqonand Sparisoma Viridi, Growth of smaller grain attached on larger one: Algorithm to overcome unphysical overlap between grains, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 060017 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930697
  58. Syaputra, S. Arman Wella, A. Purqon, Suprijadi, External and Internal Influences in Silicene Monolayer, Advanced Materials Research, 1112, (2015), 133-138; DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1112.133
  59. Pattisahusiwa, Acep Purqon, S. Viridi, Hydrostatic Simulation of Earth’s Atmospheric Gas Using Multi-particle Collision Dynamics, arXiv.org > physics > arXiv:1509.07603
  60. Purqon, A., Nagao,H., Fuzzy cluster modes in micellar dynamics, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 147 (1-2), pp. 17-23, 2009.
  61. Purqon, A., Yamamoto, T.,Nishikawa, K., Nagao, H., Nishikawa, K., Effects of salty water and temperature on shape fluctuations of a few correlated phospholipids, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, (178), pp. 187-192, 2009.
  62. Purqon, A., Nagao, H., Nishikawa, K., Synchronization patterns in spaghetti-like nanoclusters, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 108 (15), pp. 2870-2880, 2008.
  63. Purqon, A., Sugiyama, A., Nagao, H., Nishikawa, K., Aperture,symmetry, isotropy, and compactness analysis and their correlation in spaghetti-like nanostructure dynamics, Chemical Physics Letters, 443 (4-6), pp. 356-363, 2007.


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