BANDUNG,, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), held a postgraduate graduation celebration event, on Friday, October 27, 2023 in Aula Timur of Ganesha campus. The Dean of FMIPA ITB, Prof. Ir. Wahyu Srigutomo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D in his speech thanked the graduates for contributing a lot to research and publications with researchers and professors, so that FMIPA ITB became one of the main contributors in the field of research and publications and a part of ITB’s reputation and recognition in the international world. The theme for this celebration is “Menata Langkah Mengukir Sejarah (Taking Steps to Carving History)” which can be interpreted in the following ways:
1. Contributing to science,
2. Having high competencies, skills, and expertise that are needed in society,
3. Having the ability to think critically in responding to every problem,
4. Being creative and innovative, despite limitations and shortcomings, able to produce superior teaching and research
5. Developing and responding to current and future challenges equipped with scientific expertise, and
6. Maintaining excellent values that have been developed together, namely integrity, competence, creative thinking, empathy, and other positive things.
In this celebration event, academic information was delivered by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Dr. Hanni Garminia, S.Si., M.Si. that the October 2023 graduation ceremony was attended by 185 graduates consisting of 81 men and 104 women, of whom 45 graduates received Summa Cumlaude predicate, 42 graduates received Magna Cumlaude predicate, and 101 graduates received Cumlaude predicate.
The FMIPA ITB graduation celebration ended after a photo session with the graduates of each study program with the Dean of FMIPA and the Head of Study Program for each study program.
The following is:
Link for October 2023 Graduation Celebration Documentation:
Graduation Book Link: https://Oktober2023 – FMIPA ITB
Graduation Video Link: