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7th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 2024

7th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 2024


7th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 2024
Bandung Institute of Technology – Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Center for Nuclear Sciences, Technology and Innovation

Dear Colleagues,

International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering, ICANSE-2024 aims at summarizing recent research activities relevant to the advanced development of application in the nuclear science and engineering and facilitate communication among relevant experts. The 7th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering 2024 will be held on September 2-4, 2024 in Bandung, Indonesia, East Aula Building, Ganesha Campus, Bandung Institute of Technology.

The range of topics covered by ICANSE-2024 includes but not limited to:
• Innovative nuclear energy systems (Nuclear utilization systems based on fuel cycle; Simultaneous solution for safety, radioactive waste and proliferation problems, Advanced Small Reactors without on-site Refuelling)
• Innovative transmutation systems
• Innovative separation and fuel cycles/radioactive wastes
• Nuclear non-proliferation issues
• Innovative energy systems (Hydrogen energy system, Cogeneration system, Thermal energy utilization system)
• Material and process for innovative energy systems
• Radiation Physics
• Biophysics and Medical Physics
• Nuclear Data
• Accelerator
• Theoretical and Computational nuclear physics and Particle Physics
• Nuclear Education and Social
• Nuclear Energy Management, Planning, Regulation and Policy

Special Topic:
SMR Technology Development

Paper will be published in IOP Conference Series publication, and selected paper will be published in journal indexed by Scopus (Energy Conversion and Management, Nuclear Engineering And Design, or Applied Mechanics and Materials, and Journal of Engineering and Technology Science).

Important Date:
Abstract submission deadline: June 21, 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance: June 21-23, 2024
Paper submission deadline: July 12, 2024
Review process and notification: July 12-14, 2024
Revised paper submission deadline: July 26, 2024
Conference date: September 2-4, 2024

For more detail information please visit the following web site:


Please forward this email to your colleagues and potential authors who might be interested in attending this conference.

Contact Persons:
ICANSE-2024 Committee
Prof. Sidik Permana (psidik@itb.ac.id)
Dr. Cici Wulandari (cici.wulandari01@itb.ac.id)
or Committee Email: icanse2024@gmail.com
Department of Physics, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132 INDONESIA
Phone/Fax.: +62-22-2500834/+62-22-2506452