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Mitra Djamal

Mitra Djamal 2a

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mitra Djamal



Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Surat Elektronik: mitra[at]fi.itb.ac.id
Telephone: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 229
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1984)
  2. Doktor, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Jerman (1992)


  1. 1982 – 1984  Assistance of Electronics Laboratory of Dept. of Physics
  2. 1982 – 1984  Teacher of Physics and Electronics of Senior High School in Bandung
  3. Since 1984    Lecture in Institut Teknologi Bandung
  4. 1987 – 1992  Assistance Professor and research staff at Federal Armed Forces University Munich, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Germany.
  5. 1992 – 2006  Journal Editor of KFI
  6. 1993 – 1996  Head of Electronics Laboratory of Dept. of Physics ITB.
  7. 1993 – 2001  Guest Lecturer in Dept. of Physics, University of Indonesia (UI)
  8. Jan – March 1994 Lecturer in Electronics Instrumentation Course for Technician Stage I, in Bandung
  9. June – Aug. 1994 Lecturer in Electronics Instrumentation Course for Technician Stage II, in Bandung
  10. Nov. 21 – Dec. 16, 1994 Research University Compartment for Technician  Development Short Course “Laboratory Equipment Repair, Maintenance, and Use Stage II”, Universitas Udayana Bali
  11. Since 1995     Member of Staff Editor for Jouenal of “Kontribusi Fisika Indonesia”, now change to “Indonesian Journal of Physics”
  12. May – August 1995 Guest Researcher at Federal Armed Forces University of Munich (Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen), Institut of Measurement and
    Automation Engineering.
  13. July 3 – July 29, 1995 Head of Short Course Electronics and Instrumentation in ITB, Bandung
  14. Aug. 1996 – Jan. 1997 Lecturer Course on “Advanced Electronics I” for LPTKC, in Bandung
  15. Nov. 19 – Dec 21, 1996 Indonesia Short Term Advisor of Short Course ”Laboratorium Fisika Dasar”, in UNCEN Manokwari
  16. Feb. 8-10, 1999 Technical Consultant for Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Riau (Universitas Riau)
  17. August 2000 – August 2003 Head of Electronics Laboratory od Dept. of Physics ITB
  18. July 11-13, 2001 Chairman of Indonesian-German Conference on Instrumentation, Measurements and Communications for the Future, in Bandung
  19. July 21 – 30, 2002 Member of the Steering Comittee of 33rd International Physics Olympiad
  20. 2004 – 2006 Head of KK Fisika Instrumentasi FMIPA ITB
  21. 2004 – 2005 Member of “Tim Verifikasi Usul Angka Kredit FMIPA ITB”.
  22. 2004 – now  Head of HFI Bandung-Branch
  23. 2004 – 2005 Member of Verification Team of “Usulan Angka Kredit FMIPA ITB”.
  24. Des. 2005     Jury of IJSO 2005
  25. 3-5 Agustus 2005 Chairman of International Conference of Instrumentation, Communications and Information Technology (ICICI) 2005
  26. 7-8 Des. 2005 Member of Organizing Committee Asian Physics Sumporium
  27. 26 Juli 2005 Member of Organizing Committee of National Physics Symposium 2005
  28. Since 2005 Chairman of Cooperation Team ITB and Hochschule Ravenburg-Weingarten
  29. May 2006 Member of selection team of magister program 2006 FMIPA ITB
  30. Since 2006 Journal Editor of Indonesian Journal of Physics (IJP)
  31. August 31, 2006 Chairman of Seminar Instrumentasi Berbasis Fisika (SIBF) 2006

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Sensor Magnetik  Sensors Fluxgate
  2. Sensor Magnetik material Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR)
  3. Sensro Mekanik berdasar elemen flat koil
  4. Smart home
  5. Mobile robot


  1. Eko Satria, Mitra Djamal, Hendro, Akihiro Takita, Yusaku Fujii, Precision Measurement of Drag Force Acting on a Spherical Body Dropping in the Air, J. Tech. Soc. Sci., Vol.1, No.1, 2017 pp 7-15
  2. Mitra Djamal, Lia Yuliantini, Rahmat Hidayat, Kitipun Boonin, Patarawagee Yasaka, and Jakrapong Kaewkhao. Optical and photoluminescence properties of Dy3+ doped ZnOAl2O3 – B2O3 glasses for UV sensor application, Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS). Vol.1 No.2 2017, pp.62-68
  3. Mitra Djamal, Maria Evita, Bernd Zimanowski, Klaus Schilling, Development of a low cost mobile volcano early warning system, Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS). Vol.1 No.2 2017, pp.84-91
  4. Hafizh Prihtiadi, Mitra Djamal, The Reliability of Wireless Sensor Network on Pipeline Monitoring System, J. Math. Fund. Sci., Vol. 49, No. 1, 2017, 51-56 51
  5. Maria Evita, Mitra Djamal, Bernd Zimanowski, and Klaus Schilling, Bandwidth management for mobile mode of mobile monitoring system for Indonesian Volcano, AIP Conference Proceedings 1801, 070004 (2017); doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4973114
  6. S. Aminah, P. H. Liani, R. Hidayat, M. Djamal, Hendro, “Fabrication and Characterization of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor with Tapered Optical Fiber Structure”, Materials Science Forum, 886, 86-90, (2017), DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.886.86
  7. A Aminudin, D H Tjahyono, Suprijadi, M Djamal, R Zaen and A B D Nandiyanto, Solution Concentration and Flow Rate of Fe3+-modified Porphyrin (Red Blood Model) on Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Sensor Efficiency, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (2017) 012137 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/180/1/012137
  8. Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Mitra Djamal, Gunawan H., H.J. Kim, Monte Carlo Modeling of Gamma Ray Backscattering for Crack Identification in the Aluminum alloy Plate, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 799 (2017) 012010 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012010
  9. Ratih Kumalasari, Wahyu Srigutomo, Mitra Djamal, Location and Pressures Change Prediction of Bromo Volcano Magma Chamber Using Inversion Scheme, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 846 (2017) 012002 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/846/1/012002
  10. Nina Siti Aminah, Siti Chalimah, Hendro, R Hidayat, and M Djamal, A simulation of surface plasmon resonance-based tapered fiber and sensing, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 853 (2017) 012005 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/853/1/012005
  11. Nina S. Aminah, Putri H. Liani, R. Hidayat, Hendro, Djamal, Fabrikasi Sensor Serat Optik dengan Struktur Taper, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains 2016, 619-624, ISBN-978-02-61045-0-2
  12. Djamal, M.,Indrasari, W., Ramli, Srigutomo, W., Document Detection of magnetic material in soil subsurface using electromagnetic induction method based on fluxgate sensor, Key Engineering Materials, 675-676, (2016), 494-500.
  13. Rajagukguk, R. Hidayat, Suprijadi, M. Djamal, Y. Ruangtaweep, M. Horprathum, J. Kaewkhao, Structural and Optical Properties of Nd3+ Doped Na2O-PbO-ZnO-Li2O-B2O3 Glasses System, Key Engineering Materials, 675-676, (2016), 424-429, DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.675-676.424
  14. Rajagukguk, J., Kaewkhao, J., Djamal, M., Hidayat, R., Suprijadi, Ruangtaweep, Y., Structural and optical characteristics of Eu3+ ions in sodium-lead-zinc-lithium-borate glass system, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1121, (2016), 180-187.
  15. Rajagukguk J., Hidayat R., Suprijadi, Djamal M., Ruangtaweep Y., Horprathum M., Kaewkhao J., Structural and optical properties of Nd3+ doped Na2O-PbO-ZnO-Li2O-B2O3 glasses system, Key Engineering Materials, 675-676, (2016), 424 429.
  16. Wantana, O. Chamlek, N. Chanthima, C.K. Jayasankar, H. J. Kim, M. Djamal, J. Kaewkhao, Spectroscopic Properties and Judd-Ofelt Analysis of Dy3+ in Lithium Lanthanum Borate Glass for Laser Medium Application, Key Engineering Materials, 675-676, (2016), 389-392, DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.675-676.389
  17. Djamal, W. Indrasari, Ramli, W. Srigutomo, Detection of Magnetic Material in Soil Subsurface Using Electromagnetic Induction Method Based on Fluxgate Sensor, Key Engineering Materials, 675-676, (2016) 494-500, DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.675-676.494
  18. Miyashita, K. Watanabe, A. Takita, M. Djamal, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Fujii, Measurement of Dynamic Responses of a Force Sensor against Small Impact Forces with Various Durations, Key Engineering Materials, 698, (2016), 73-79. DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.698.73
  19. Sanjaya, E., Muslimin, A.N., Djamal, M., Suprijadi, Handayani, G., Ramli, Document A comparative study of flat coil and coil sensor for landslide detection, AIP Conf. Proc. 1719, (2016), 030044-1–030044-6.
  20. Indrasari, , Djamal, M., Srigutomo, W., Ramli, Development of alternating current transmitter of detection system for magnetic material in soil subsurface, AIP Conf. Proc. 1719, (2016), 030047-1–030047-4.
  21. Widyaningrum Indrasari, Wahyu Srigutomo, Mitra Djamal and Rahmondia N. S., Development of an AC power source for CSEM method using full-bridge switching configuration, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 040008 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917115
  22. Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Mitra Djamal and Gunawan Handayani, Simulation of energy absorption spectrum in NaI crystal detector for multiple gamma energy using Monte Carlo method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060008 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917139
  23. Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni, Dhani Herdiwijaya, Mitra Djamal and Thomas Djamaluddin, Multi-wavelength fibril dynamics and oscillations above sunspot – Fourier decomposition, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 050006 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930667
  24. Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni, Dhani Herdiwijaya and Mitra Djamal, Multi-wavelength analysis from tomography study on solar chromosphere, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 070009 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917155
  25. Christian Fredy Naa, Suprijadi, Sparisoma Viridi, Didier Fasquelle and Mitra Djamal, Monte Carlo study of double exchange interaction in manganese oxide, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 080003 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930734
  26. Christian Fredy Naa, Aisyah Amin, Seramika Ari Wahyoedi, Ramli, Sparisoma Viridi, Suprijadi and Mitra Djamal, Simulation of the 2-dimensional Drude’s model using molecular dynamics method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060013 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917144
  27. Ambran Hartono, Suparno Satira, Mitra Djamal, Ramli and Edi Sanjaya, Effect of mechanical treatment and fabrication temperature on piezoelectric properties of PVDF film, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 030018 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917107
  28. 2014 Widyaningrum Indrasari, Mitra Djamal, Wahyu Srigutomo, Nur Hadziqoh, High Sensitivity Fluxgate Sensor for Detection of AC Magnetic Field: Equipment for Characterization of Magnetic Material in Subsurface ,Advanced Materials Research, 896, 718, (2014)
  29. Ratih Kumalasari, Mitra Djamal, and Edi Sanjaya, Design and Development of Instrument for Measuring Torque and Shear Modulus for Material Research, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 875-877 (2014) pp 2123-2127
  30. Ramli, Euis Sustini, Nurlaela Rauf, and Mitra Djamal, Giant Magnetoresistance in FeMn/NiCoFe/Cu/NiCoFe Spin Valve Prepared by Opposed Target Magnetron Sputtering, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 979 (2014) pp 85-89
  31. Rahadi Wirawan, Mitra Djamal, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, Hong Joo Kim, Investigation of Incoherent Gamma-ray Scattering Potential for the Fluid Density Measurement, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 575 (2014) pp 549-553
  32. Mitra Djamal, Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, and H.J. Kim, Determination of an Unknown Volume in the Material based on Gamma Ray Scattering Using GEANT4 Simulation, AAPC 2013, JPS Conf. Proc. 014030 (2014) ©2014 The Physical Society of Japan
  33. Mitra Djamal, Kazuhide Watanabe, Kyohei Irisa, Irfa Aji Prayogi, Akihiro Takita, Takao Yamaguchi, and Yusaku Fujii, Dynamic Characteristics Measurements of a Force Transducer Against Small and Short-duration Impact Forces, Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 1–5
  34. Mitra Djamal, Irfa Aji Prayogi, Kazuhide Watanabe, Akihiro Takita, and Yusaku Fujii, New Method for Evaluating Dynamic Characteristics of Cantilever Spring of Vibration Sensor, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1025-1026 (2014) pp 372-378
  35. Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni, Dhani Herdiwijaya and Mitra Djamal, Oscillation signature from multi-wavelength analysis on solar chromosphere, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1589, 7 (2014)
  36. Edi Sanjaya, Mitra Djamal, Suprijadi, Gunawan Handayani, Ambran Hartono, Ramli, Developmentof Ground Displacement Sensor based on FlatCoil Elementfor Detection of Landslide, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861. Volume 6, Issue 1 Ver. III (Feb. 2014), PP 01-06
  37. Christian Naa, Suprijadi, Sparisoma Viridi, Mitra Djamal ,Novel Giant Magnetoresistance Model using Multiple Barrier Potential ,Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 2014
  38. Christian Fredy Naa, Suprijadi, Sparisoma Viridi and Mitra Djamal, Novel giant magnetoresistance model using multiple barrier potential, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), vol.9, no.2, p.135-139, 2014
  39. Buchari, B., Indra Noviandri, Maria Evita, and Mitra Djamal, Characterization of Coated Wire Nitrate Selective Electrode Sensor for Determination of Nitrate Concentration in an Aqueous Sample, ITB Journal, 2014 (Proses Review)
  40. Ambran Hartono, Mitra Djamal, Suparno Satira, Herman Bahar, Ramli and Edi Sanjaya, Effect of roll hot press temperature on crystallite size of PVDF film, AIP Conf. Proc. 1589 , 217 (2014) ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4868785
  41. Alamta Singarimbun, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Mitra Djamal, and Rezkia Dewi Andajani, Pressure Transient Modeling in Geothermal Reservoir by Using Picard-McLaurin Iteration, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 1025-1026 (2014) pp 959-973
  42. Abdul Muid, Mitra Djamal and Rahadi Wirawan, Development of a low cost potentiostat using ATXMEGA32, AIP Conf. Proc. 1589 , 124 (2014) ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4868765
  43. Wirawan, R., Djamal, M., Waris, A., Handayani, G., Kim, H.J., “Response function of collimated detector for non axial detector-source geometry”, Advanced Materials Research, 772 , (2013), 571-578
  44. T. Jin, K. Watanabe, I. A. Prayogi, A. Takita, S. Mitatha, M. Djamal, H. Z. Jia, W. M. Hou, and Y. Fujii,High-speed impact test using an inertial mass and an optical interferometer,Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 84/July/ 2013 hal: 075116-1 sd 075116-4
  45. Suwat Rakpanich, Natthakridta Chanthima, HongJoo Kim, Mitra Djamal, Pichet Limsuwan, Jakrapong Kaewkhao,Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Sm3+ in Bismuth Borate Glass,Advanced Materials Research, Volume 770/September/ 2013hal: 42-45
  46. R. Wirawan, M. Djamal, A. Waris, G. Handayani, H. J. Kim, “Response Function of Collimated Detector for Non Axial Detector-Source Geometry”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 772, pp. 571-578, Sep. 2013
  47. Mitra Djamal, Ramli,Thin Film of Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Material Prepared by Sputtering Method,Advanced Materials Research, Vol.772/September (2013), 571-578
  48. 2013 Ambran Hartono, Suparno Satira, Mitra Djamal, Ramli, Herman Bahar, Edi Sanjaya,A Effect of Mechanical Treatment Temperature on Electrical Properties and Crystallite Size of PVDF Film,Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, Volume 3/No.1/Maret/ 2013hal: 71-76
  49. Ambran Hartono, Suparno Satira, Mitra Djamal, Ramli, Edi Sanjaya, Poly (vinylidene fluoride) Thin Film Prepared by Roll Hot Press , IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Vol.3, Issue. 1 (Jan. – Feb. 2013), pp. 07-11, ISSN: 2278-4861. e-ISSN: 2278-4861
  50. Yusaku Fujii, Akihiro Takita, Jakapong Kaewkhao, Mitra Djamal, Takao Yamaguchi, Precision Force Measurement Using the Levitation Mass Method (LMM), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Volume 103 (2012) pp 1-8.
  51. Widyaningrum Indrasari, Mitra Djamal, Wahyu Srigutomo, Ramli, A Magnetic Distance Sensor with High Sensitivity Based on Double Secondary Coil of Fluxgate, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics Vol.2, Issue 5 (2012), ISSN:2278-4861, p 29-35
  52. Ramli, Mitra Djamal, Freddy Haryanto, Sparisoma Viridi, Khairurrijal, Giant Magnetoresistance in (Ni60Co30Fe10/Cu) Trilayer Growth byOpposed Target Magnetron Sputtering, Advance Material Research Vols. 535-537 (2012) pp 1319-1322.
  53. Mitra Djamal, Ramli, Development of Sensors Based on Giant Magnetoresistance Material, 3rd International Science, Social Science, Engineering and Energy Conference, Procedia Engineering 32 (2012) 60-68.
  54. Mitra Djamal, Ramli, Suparno Satira, Suprijadi, Development of Low Cost Vibration Sensor based on Flat Coil Element, International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Issue 3, Vol. 5, 2011, p 550-573.
  55. Mitra Djamal, Ramli, Yulkifli, Suprijadi, Khairurrijal, Biosensor Based on Giant Magnetoresistance Material, International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC), Vol. 1 (2010), pp. 1-17.

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