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Abdul Waris



Abdul Waris

Prof. Abdul Waris, M.Eng., Ph.D.


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
e-mail : awaris[at]fi.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [2500834] pes.: 207
Faks: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. Sarjana, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992)
  2. Magister, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang (1999)
  3. Doktor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang (2002)


  1. Staf Dosen Prodi Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung, (1994 – sekarang)
  2. Wakil Koordinator Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar TPB-ITB (2002 – 2003)
  3. Wakil Ketua Laboratorium Fisika Lanjut, Prodi Fisika ITB (2002 – 2003)
  4. Editor Indonesian Journal of Physics (IJP) (2002 – sekarang)
  5. Wakil Kepala Laboratorium Fisika Nuklir, Prodi Fisika ITB (2002 – sekarang)
  6. Ketua Laboratorium Fisika Lanjut, Prodi Fisika ITB (2003 – 2004)
  7. Editor Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (2004 – sekarang)
  8. Direktur Eksekutif Program PHK-B Prodi Fisika ITB (2005 – 2007)
  9. Kaprodi Magister dan Doktor Fisika
  10. Kaprodi Sarjana Fisika
  11. Manajer PPM FMIPA ITB (2012 – 2015)
  12. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik FMIPA ITB (2015 – Sekarang)

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Siklus Bahan Bakar Nuklir
  2. Reaktor Nuklir
  3. Pengolahan Data Nuklir


  1. Nunung Nuraeni, Ricky Dwi Septianto, Ferry Iskandar, Freddy Haryanto, Abdul Waris and Eri Hiswara, PTFE Additive and Re-annealing Effect on Thermoluminescence Response of CaSO4:Dy Derived from Co-precipitation Method, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012036 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012036
  2. Indarta Kuncoro Aji, Syeilendra Pramuditya, Novitrian, Dwi Irwanto and Abdul Waris, Delayed Neutrons Effect on Power Reactor with Variation of Fluid Fuel Velocity at MSR Fuji-12, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 799 (2017) 012004 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012004
  3. Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Mitra Djamal, Gunawan H., H.J. Kim, Monte Carlo Modeling of Gamma Ray Backscattering for Crack Identification in the Aluminum alloy Plate, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 799 (2017) 012010 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/799/1/012010
  4. Nailatussaadah, Puguh A. Prastyo, Abdul Waris, Rizal Kurniadi and Syeilendra Pramuditya, Preliminary Study of Plutonium Utilization in AP1000 Reactor IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017), 012003, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012003
  5. Cici Wulandari, Abdul Waris, Syeilendra Pramuditya, Asril Pramutadi AM, and Novitrian, Study on Utilization of Super Grade Plutonium in Molten Salt Reactor FUJI-U3 using CITATION Code, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012021 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012021
  6. Anni N. Hidayati, Puguh A. Prastyo, Abdul Waris, and Dwi Irwanto, Comparative Studies on UO2 Fueled HTTR Several Nuclear Data Libraries, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877 (2017) 012049 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012049
  7. N Nuraeni, F. Iskandar, Waris, and F. Haryanto, Preliminary Studies of Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (TLD) CaSO4:Dy Synthesis, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012065, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012065
  8. Rahmi N. Ramdhani, Puguh A. Prastyo, Abdul Waris, Widayani and Rizal Kurniadi, Neutronics Analysis of SMART Small Modular Reactor using SRAC 2006 Code, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012067, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012067
  9. Rizal Kurniadi, Abdul Waris, and Sparisoma Viridi, Monte Carlo simulation based toy model for fission process, J. Mod. Phys. C 27, (2016) 1650030 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0129183116500303
  10. Y Hardiyanti, M Haekal, A Waris and F Haryanto, The Comparison Study of Quadratic Infinite Beam Program on Optimization Instensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning (IMRTP) between Threshold and Exponential Scatter Method with CERR® In The Case of Lung Cancer, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012144 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012144
  11. Erwin Randjawali and Abdul Waris, Design and testing of mini-size biogas plant, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012038 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012038
  12. Swastya Rahastama and Abdul Waris, Analytical Study of 90Sr Betavoltaic Nuclear Battery Performance Based on p-n Junction Silicon, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012003 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012003
  13. Abdul Waris, Indarta K. Aji, Syeilendra Pramuditya, Widayani and Dwi Irwanto, Preliminary Study on LiF4-ThF4-PuF4 Utilization as Fuel Salt of miniFUJI Molten Salt Reactor, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012004 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012004
  14. S Permana, A Waris, Z Suud, M Suzuki, Analysis on Proliferation Resistance Factor and Fuel Breeding Capability Based on Even Mass Plutonium Isotope Compositions, Energy Procedia, 71, (2015), 182-190. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.868
  15. Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Mitra Djamal and Gunawan Handayani, Simulation of energy absorption spectrum in NaI crystal detector for multiple gamma energy using Monte Carlo method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060008 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917139
  16. Moh Nurul Subkhi, Zaki Suud, Abdul Waris and Sidik Permana, Optimization of small long-life PWR based on thorium fuel, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 120001 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930784
  17. Indarta Kuncoro Aji, Abdul Waris and Sidik Permana, Analysis of fluid fuel flow to the neutron kinetics on molten salt reactor FUJI-12, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 120012 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930795
  18. Anis Rohanda and Abdul Waris, Analysis of N-16 concentration in primary cooling system of AP1000 power reactor, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060012 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917143
  19. A Waris, IK Aji, S Pramuditya, S Permana, Z. Su’ud, Comparative Studies on Plutonium and Minor Actinides Utilization in Small Molten Salt Reactors with Various Powers and Core Sizes, Energy Procedia, 71, (2015), 62-68
  20. Waris, A., Su’ud, Z., Sahin, H.M., Kurt, E.,Sahin, S, Influence of void fraction on BWR spent fuel direct recycling scenario, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(44), (2015), 15172–15178.
  21. Rizal Kurniadi, Abdul Waris, Sparisoma Viridi, Monte Carlo simulation based toy model for fission process, J. Mod. Phys. C, (2015), DOI: 10.1142/S0129183116500303
  22. Waris, A., Pramuditya, S., Perkasa, Y.S., Arif, I., Comparative studies on thorium fuel cycles of BWR with JENDL 3.2 and JEF 2.2 nuclear data libraries, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), 8(1), (2014), 1-11
  23. Rahadi Wirawan, Mitra Djamal, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, Hong Joo Kim, Investigation of Incoherent Gamma-ray Scattering Potential for the Fluid Density Measurement, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 575, (2014), pp. 549-553.
  24. Moh Nurul Subkhi, Z. Su’ud, Waris, Design Study of Small Long-Life PWR based on Thorium Nitride Fuel, AIP Conf. Proc. 1615, (2014), pp. 61-64
  25. Mitra Djamal, Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, and H.J. Kim, Determination of an Unknown Volume in the Material based on Gamma Ray Scattering Using GEANT4 Simulation, AAPC 2013, JPS Conf. Proc. 014030 (2014) ©2014 The Physical Society of Japan.
  26. Fiber Monado, Menik Ariani, Zaki Su’ud, Abdul Waris, Hiroshi Sekimoto, Power Flattening on Modified CANDLE Very Small Long Life Gas-cooled Fast Reactor, AIP Conf. Proc. 1615, (2014), pp. 47-50.
  27. Fiber Monado, Menik Ariani, Zaki Su’ud, Abdul Waris, Khairul Basar, Ferhat Aziz, Sidik Permana, and Hiroshi Sekimoto, Conceptual design study on very small long-life gas cooled fast reactor using metallic natural Uranium-Zr as fuel cycle input, AIP Conf. Proc. 1584, (2014), 105.
  28. Abdul Waris, Syeilendra Pramuditya, Indarta Kuncoro Aji, Rahadi Wirawan, Nuha, SUPEL Scenario for PWR Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 575, (2014) pp 653-657.
  29. Wirawan, R., Djamal, M., Waris, A., Handayani, G., Kim, H.J., Response function of collimated detector for non axial detector-source geometry, Advanced Materials Research, 772, (2014), pp. 571-578
  30. Waris, A., Richardina, V., Aji, I.K., Permana, S., Su’ud, Z., “Preliminary study on plutonium and minor actinides utilization in thorims-nes minifuji reactor”, 2013, Energy Conversion and Management 72 , pp. 27-32
  31. Sugiharto, Stegowski, Z., Furman, L., Su’ud, Z., Kurniadi, R., Waris, A., Abidin, Z. “Dispersion determination in a turbulent pipe flow using radiotracer data and CFD analysis”, 2013, Computers and Fluids 79 , pp. 77-81
  32. Subkhi, M.N., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., “Netronic design of small long-life PWR using thorium cycle”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772, pp. 524-529
  33. Wirawan, M. Djamal, A .Waris, G. Handayani, H.J. Kim, Response Function of Collimated Detector for Non Axial Detector-Source Geometry, Advanced Materials Research, Volume 770/September/ 2013 hal: 1-10
  34. Permana, S., Suzuki, M., Saito, M., Novitrian, Waris, A., Suud, Z., “Study on material attractiveness aspect of spent nuclear fuel of LWR and FBR cycles based on isotopic plutonium production”, 2013, Energy Conversion and Management 72, pp. 19-26
  35. Permana, S., Trian, N., Waris, A., Suud, Z., Ismail, I., Suzuki, M., “Irradiation and cooling process effects on material barrier analysis based on plutonium composition of LWR”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 513-518
  36. Permana, S., Trian, N., Waris, A., Suud, Z., Ismail, I., Suzuki, M., “Analysis on even mass plutonium production of different loading materials in FBR blanket”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 507-512
  37. Novitrian, Waris, A., Viridi, S., Suud, Z., Preliminary study of safety analysis of pb-bi cooled small power reactor with natural circulation, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 519-523
  38. Monado, F., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Basar, K., Ariani, M., Sekimoto, H., “Application of modified candle burnup to very small long life gas-cooled fast reactor”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 501-506
  39. Ariani, M., Su’ud, Z., Monado, F., Waris, A., Khairurrijal, Arif, I., Ferhat, A., Sekimoto, H., “Optimization of small long life gas cooled fast reactors with natural Uranium as fuel cycle input”, 2013, Applied Mechanics and Materials 261-262 , pp. 307-311
  40. Su’ud, M. A. Shafii, S. P. Yudha, A. Warisand K. Rijal, Preliminary development of thermal nuclear cell homogenization code, AIP Conf. Proc. 1448, 202 (2012); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4725456
  41. Waris, A., Aji, I.K., Novitrian, Kurniadi, R., Su’ud, Z., Plutonium and minor actinides utilization in thorium molten salt reactor, AIP Conference Proceedings1448 , pp. 115-118, 2012
  42. Waris, A., Nuha, Novitrian, Kurniadi, R., Su’ud, Z., Preliminary study on direct recycling of spent PWR Fuel in PWR System, AIP Conference Proceedings1448 , pp. 135-141, 2012
  43. Waris, A., Sumbono, Prayudhatama, D., Novitrian, Su’ud, Z, Preliminary study on direct recycling of spent bwr fuel in BWR system, AIP conf proc 1454, 2012
  44. Viridi, S., Kurniadi, R., Waris, A., Perkasa, Y.S., A classical approach in simple nuclear fusion reaction 1H 2 + 1H 3 using two-dimension granular molecular dynamics model, AIP Conference Proceedings1448 , pp. 170-176, 2012
  45. Surbakti, R., Waris, A., Basar, K., Permana, S., Kurniadi, R., Influence of void fraction on plutonium recycling in BWR, AIP conf proc 1454, 2012
  46. Sidik Permana, Mitsutoshi Suzuki, Masaki Saito, Abdul Waris and Zaki Suud, “Important roles and expectations of recycling TRU in FBR”, Proceedings of 3rd international conference on nuclear and renewable energy resources, May 20-23, 2012, Istanbul Turkey (2012). (International Conference, Proceeding Paper)
  47. Sidik Permana, Mitsutoshi Suzuki, Masaki Saito, Abdul Waris and Zaki Suud, “Comparative Evaluation on Material Attractiveness of Plutonium Production of LWR and FBR Cycle”, Proceedings of 3rd international conference on nuclear and renewable energy resources, May 20-23, 2012, Istanbul Turkey (2012). (International Conference, Proceeding Paper)
  48. Perkasa, Y.S., Waris, A., Kurniadi, R., Su’ud, Z., Calculation of fission yield using fission barrier from optimal shapes of liquid drop model, AIP Conference Proceedings 1448 , pp. 297-306, 2012
  49. Perkasa, Y.S., Waris, A.,Kurniadi, R., Su’ud, Z., Prediction of natPb and 209Bi neutron induced fission cross section using TALYS for energy up to 200 MeV, AIP Conference Proceedings 1448 , pp. 283-290
  50. Novitrian, Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Thermal hydraulic analysis of advanced Pb-Bi cooled NPP using natural circulation, AIP Conference Proceedings 1448 , pp. 275-280, 2012
  51. M Nurul Subkhi, Zaki Su’ud, Waris: Design Study of Long Life PWR using Thorum Cycle, American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc. Vol. 1448, 2012, pp.102-107
  52. Kurniadi, R., Perkasa, Y.S.,Waris, A., Neck curve polynomials in neck rupture model, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1448 , pp. 291-296, 2012
  53. Ariani, M., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Khairurrijal, Monado, F., Sekimoto, H., The feasibility study of small long-life gas cooled fast reactor with mixed Natural Uranium/Thorium as fuel cycle input, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1448, pp. 59-64 (2012)
  54. Waris, A., Shafii, M.A., Pramuditya, S., Kurniadi, R.,Novitrian, Su’ud, Z., Effect of void-fraction on characteristics of several thorium fuel cycles in BWR, Energy Conversion and Management, 63 , (2012), 11-16.
  55. Perkasa, Y.S., Waris, A., Kurniadi, R., Suud, Z., Implementation of new fission barrier model in TALYS code, Applied Mechanics and Materials 110-116 , pp. 2475-2480, 2012
  56. Menik Ariani, Z. Su’ud , Fiber Monado, Waris, Khairurrijal, I. Arif, Ferhat A , and H. Sekimoto, Optimization of Small Long Life Gas Cooled Fast Reactors With Natural Uranium as Fuel Cycle Input, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 260-261 (2013) pp 307-311.
  57. Mohamad Ali Shafii, Zaki Su’ud; Abdul Waris; Neny Kurniasih:Nuclear Fuel Cell Calculation using Collision Probability Method withLinear Non Flat Flux Approach, World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST), 2(2), (2012), 49-53.
  58. Yulianti, Z. Su’ud, A. Waris, S.N. Khotimah, 2010, Iterative methods for solving space-time one dimensional multigroup diffusion equations, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), 5(2), 114-126.
  59. Yulianti, Zaki Su’ud, A. Waris and S.N. Khotimah, 2010, Solving two-dimensional space-time dependent multi-group diffusion equations with SOR method, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, IJNEST, 5(4), 310-320.
  60. Menik Ariani, Zaki Su’ud, Abdul Waris, Khairurrijal, Nur Asiah, and Muhammad A. Shafii, 2010, Effect of Fuel Fraction on Small Modified Candle Burn-Up Based Gas Cooled Fast Reactors, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1325, 249-252.
  61. Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Rida, S.N.M., The Fission Products (FP) group constant treatment for long-life Pb-Bi-cooled fast power reactors, International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 4 (3), pp. 201-216, 2009.
  62. Waris, A., Su’ud, Z., Permana, S., Sekimoto, H., Influence of void fraction change on plutonium and minor actinides recycling in BWR with equilibrium burnup, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 50 (2-6), pp. 295-298, 2008.
  63. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal, Abdul Waris, Widayani Sutrisno, Iis Nurhasanah, and Aunuddin S. Vioktalamo, An Ultraviolet Phosphor from Submicrometer-Sized Particles of Gadolonium-doped Yttrium Oxide Prepared by Simple Heating of Precursor in Polymer Solution, Powder Technology, volume 183, pg. 297-303, 2008.
  64. Bahrum, E.S., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Wahjoedi, B.A., Fitriyani, D., Reactor core design optimization of the 200 MWt Pb-Bi cooled fast reactor for hydrogen production, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 50 (2-6), pp. 434-437, 2008.


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