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Abdul Waris

Abdul Waris

Prof. Abdul Waris, Ph.D., M.Eng


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Email Address: awaris[at]fi.itb.ac.id
Telephone: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 207
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. B.Sc., Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992)
  2. Magister, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang (1999)
  3. Doctor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Jepang (2002)

Career Profile

  1. Lecturer at the Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, (1994 – now)
  2. Vice Coordinator of Fundamental Physics Lectures TPB-ITB (2002 – 2003)
  3. Vice Head of Advanced Physics Laboratory of the Physics Department ITB (2002 – 2003)
  4. Editor Board of Indonesian Journal of Physics (IJP) (2002 – now)
  5. Vice Head of Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the Physics Department  ITB (2002 – now)
  6. Head of Advanced Physics Laboratory of the Physics Department  ITB (2003 – now)
  7. Editor Board of Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (2004 – now)
  8. Executive Director of the B Competitive Based Funding (Program  B) of the Physics Department ITB (2005 – 2006)
  9. Head of Department of Physics
  10. Community Service Manager FMIPA (2012 – 2015)
  11. Vice Dean for Academic Affair FMIPA (2015 – now)

Research Interest

  1. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  2. Nuclear Reactor
  3. Nuclear Data Processing


  1. Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Mitra Djamal and Gunawan Handayani, Simulation of energy absorption spectrum in NaI crystal detector for multiple gamma energy using Monte Carlo method, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060008 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917139
  2. Anis Rohanda and Abdul Waris, Analysis of N-16 concentration in primary cooling system of AP1000 power reactor, AIP Conf. Proc. 1656, 060012 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4917143
  3. Moh Nurul Subkhi, Zaki Suud, Abdul Waris and Sidik Permana, Optimization of small long-life PWR based on thorium fuel, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 120001 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930784
  4. Indarta Kuncoro Aji, Abdul Waris and Sidik Permana, Analysis of fluid fuel flow to the neutron kinetics on molten salt reactor FUJI-12, AIP Conf. Proc. 1677, 120012 (2015);http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4930795
  5. Abdul Waris, Syeilendra Pramuditya, Indarta Kuncoro Aji, Rahadi Wirawan, Nuha, SUPEL Scenario for PWR Spent Fuel Direct Recycling Scheme, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 575 (2014) pp 653-657
  6. Abdul Waris; Syeilendra Pramuditya; Yudha Satya Perkasa; Idam Arif, Comparative studies on thorium fuel cycles of BWR with JENDL 3.2 and JEF 2.2 nuclear data libraries ,International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 8,1, 1-11, (2014) DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2014.057873
  7. Rahadi Wirawan, Mitra Djamal, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, Hong Joo Kim, Investigation of Incoherent Gamma-ray Scattering Potential for the Fluid Density Measurement, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 575 (2014) pp 549-553
  8. Waris, A., Pramuditya, S., Perkasa, Y.S., Arif, I., “Comparative studies on thorium fuel cycles of BWR with JENDL 3.2 and JEF 2.2 nuclear data libraries”,   International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), Vol. 8 (1), 2014, pp. 1-11
  9. Mitra Djamal, Rahadi Wirawan, Abdul Waris, Gunawan Handayani, and H.J. Kim, Determination of an Unknown Volume in the Material based on Gamma Ray Scattering Using GEANT4 Simulation, AAPC 2013, JPS Conf. Proc. 014030 (2014) ©2014 The Physical Society of Japan
  10. Fiber Monado, Menik Ariani, Zaki Su’ud, Abdul Waris, Khairul Basar, Ferhat Aziz, Sidik Permanaand Hiroshi Sekimoto,Conceptual design study on very small long-life gas cooled fast reactor using metallic natural Uranium-Zr as fuel cycle input,AIP Conf. Proc. 1584, 105 (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4866113
  11. Moh Nurul Subkhi, Z. Su’ud, A. Waris, Design Study of Small Long-Life PWR based on Thorium Nitride Fuel, AIP Conf. Proc. Vol 1615, 2014, pp. 61-64
  12. Sugiharto, Stegowski, Z., Furman, L., Su’ud, Z., Kurniadi, R., Waris, A., Abidin, Z. “Dispersion determination in a turbulent pipe flow using radiotracer data and CFD analysis”, 2013, Computers and Fluids 79 , pp. 77-81
  13. Waris, A., Richardina, V., Aji, I.K., Permana, S., Su’ud, Z., “Preliminary study on plutonium and minor actinides utilization in thorims-nes minifuji reactor”, 2013, Energy Conversion and Management 72 , pp. 27-32
  14. Permana, S., Suzuki, M., Saito, M., Novitrian, Waris, A., Suud, Z., “Study on material attractiveness aspect of spent nuclear fuel of LWR and FBR cycles based on isotopic plutonium production”, 2013, Energy Conversion and Management 72 , pp. 19-26
  15. Permana, S., Trian, N., Waris, A., Suud, Z., Ismail, I., Suzuki, M., “Irradiation and cooling process effects on material barrier analysis based on plutonium composition of LWR”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 513-518
  16. Subkhi, M.N., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., “Netronic design of small long-life PWR using thorium cycle”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 524-529
  17. Novitrian, Waris, A., Viridi, S., Suud, Z., Preliminary study of safety analysis of pb-bi cooled small power reactor with natural circulation, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 519-523
  18. Monado, F., Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Basar, K., Ariani, M., Sekimoto, H., “Application of modified candle burnup to very small long life gas-cooled fast reactor”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 501-506
  19. Permana, S., Trian, N., Waris, A., Suud, Z., mail, I., Suzuki, M., “Analysis on even mass plutonium production of different loading materials in FBR blanket”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 507-512
  20. Ariani, M., Su’ud, Z., Monado, F., Waris, A., Khairurrijal, Arif, I., Ferhat, A., Sekimoto, H., “Optimization of small long life gas cooled fast reactors with natural Uranium as fuel cycle input”, 2013, Applied Mechanics and Materials 261-262 , pp. 307-311
  21. Wirawan, R., Djamal, M., Waris, A., Handayani, G., Kim, H.J., “Response function of collimated detector for non axial detector-source geometry”, 2013, Advanced Materials Research 772 , pp. 571-578
  22. R. Wirawan, M. Djamal, A .Waris, G. Handayani, H.J. Kim,Response Function of Collimated Detector for Non Axial Detector-Source Geometry,Advanced Materials Research, Volume 770/September/ 2013hal: 1-10


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