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PRESS RELEASE: The 6th Gruber Soedigdo Lecture – GSL2019

PRESS RELEASE: The 6th Gruber Soedigdo Lecture – GSL2019


Bandung,FMIPA.itb.ac.id.   -Gruber Soedigdo Lecture (GSL) is an event organized by the Biochemistry Division (KK), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology (FMIPA-ITB) in collaboration with the Dutch Gruber Foundation. Since the first event in 2006, KK Biochemistry has held five GSL activities with various interesting themes attended annually by around 200 academics, researchers, and industry practitioners.

In 2019, the Biochemistry Division in collaboration with the Indonesian Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia, PBBMI) will hold the sixth GSL in conjuction with the PBBMI National Seminar with the theme of “Recent Advances of Biochemistry in Health and Bio-materials”. Recently, research and studies in biochemistry has been widely implemented in the health science and development of biomaterials, therefore, it is necessary to facilitate knowledge sharing and brainstorming sessions among the scientists in this field.

Activities will be held on November 5 – 7th, 2019 consisting of “One Day Seminar” and “Workshop” presented by various speakers who are experts in the field of Biochemistry from overseas (Singapore, Japan and the Netherlands) and from Indonesia (Bandung, Depok, Jakarta, and Riau). About 150 participants are participating from various regions, such as Bandung, Padang, Lampung, Malang, Jakarta, Bali, Tasikmalaya, Bogor, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Manado, Semarang, Medan, and many more. The workshop will be held in three parallel sessions: 1. Biosilica from microalgae as multifunctional biomaterials (by KK Biochemistry ITB), 2. Biocomputational protein structures predictions (by KK Biochemistry ITB), and 3. Genetic engineering in medicine (by Faculty of Medicine UNPAD, Bandung).

We hope that this event could promote the advances of biochemistry field in Indonesia, particularly relating to medicine (health) and biomaterials. The wide variation of participants’ background (i.e., medicine, biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry, biomaterials, advanced materials, etc) is also expected to broaden the horizon and nourish collaborations between relating fields. For further info please visit http://biochem.chem.itb.ac.id/gsl2019/