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Ferry Iskandar

Ferry Iskandar2b

Dr.Eng. Ferry Iskandar


Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Surat Elektronik : ferry{at}fi.itb.ac.id
Telepon: +62(22) [2500834]
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1. B.Eng. (Kanazawa, Japan, 1997)
  2. M.Eng. (Kanazawa, Japan, 1999)
  3. Dr.Eng. (Hiroshima, Japan, 2002)

Bidang Penelitian

  1. Fisika Material
  2. Filtrasi dan Pemisahan Teknik (Aerosol dan Koloid)
  3. Reaksi Teknik Kimia (reaksi anorganik)
  4. Serbuk dan Nanomaterials (Nanopartikel dan partikel berpori)
  5. Material Lanjut (CNT, bahan serat, film berpori)

Publikasi Internasional

  1. Septianto, R.D., Suhendra, D., Iskandar, F., Utilisation of the magnetic sensor in a smartphone for facile magnetostatics experiment: Magnetic field due to electrical current in straight and loop wires, Physics Education, Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2017, Article number 015015
  2. Nuryadin, B., Permatasari, F.A., Nuryantini, A.Y., Faryuni, I.D., Abdullah, M., Iskandar, F., A red emitting of manganese-doped boron carbon oxynitride (BCNO) phosphor materials: facile approach and photoluminescence properties, RSC Advances, Volume 7, Issue 7, 2017, Pages 4161-4166
  3. Umar Saleem, Fitri A Permatasari, Ferry Iskandar, Takashi Ogi, Kikuo Okuyama, Yudi Darma, Meng Zhao, Kian Ping Loh, Andrivo Rusydi, Philippe Coquet, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto, Hong Wang, “Surface Plasmon Enhanced Nitrogen‐Doped Graphene Quantum Dot Emission by Single Bismuth Telluride Nanoplates’, Advanced Optical Materials 2017, 1700176. https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.201700176
  4. F. Arif, R. Balgis, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar, A. Kinoshita, K. Nakamura, K. Okuyama: Highly conductive nano-sized Magnèli phases titanium oxide (TiOx), Scientific Reports, 2017, doi10.1088/2053-1591/aa707f
  5. Maharsi, R. D. Septianto, F. Rohman, F. Iskandar, H. Devianto, Y. W. Budhi, Investigation of temperature and concentration dependence of Cu/γ-Al2O3 as catalyst prepared by facile method using urea combustion route, Mater. Res. Express, 4 (4) (2017)
  6. Ogi, T. Makino, S. Nagai,  W. Stark, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, Facile and efficient removal of tungsten anions using lysine-promoted precipitation for recycling high-purity tungsten, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5 (4), 3141–3147, (2017)
  7. Arifin, M., Rus, Y.B., Aimon, A.H., Iskandar, F., Winata, T., Abdullah, M., Khairurrijal, K., Composited reduced graphene oxide into LiFePO4/Li2SiO3 and its electrochemical impedance spectroscopy properties, Materials Research Express, 4(3), 034005, Published 23 March 2017 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd
  8. I D Faryuni, F Ramdhani, J Sampurno, B W Nuryadin, F A Noor, and F Iskandar, Microwave Synthesis of BCNO/SiO2 Nanocomposite Material, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012016 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012016
  9. Riri Murniati, Nanda Novita, Sutisna, Edy Wibowo, Ferry Iskandar and Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Natural Rubber Nanocomposite with Human-Tissue-Like Mechanical Characteristic, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012002 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012002
  10. Nunung Nuraeni, Ricky Dwi Septianto, Ferry Iskandar, Freddy Haryanto, Abdul Waris and Eri Hiswara, PTFE Additive and Re-annealing Effect on Thermoluminescence Response of CaSO4:Dy Derived from Co-precipitation Method, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 214 (2017) 012036 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/214/1/012036
  11. Miftahul, H. Fakhri, F. Rohman, A. Aimon, F. Iskandar, A Modified Marcano Method for Improving Electrical Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO), Mater.Res.Express 4(6), 2017.
  12. Umam, H.I., Aimon, A.H., Iskandar, F.  Preliminary study of the effect microwave-heating on the morphology and surface area of NaX zeolite  Materials Science Forum, 2017, 895 MSF, pp. 69-72
  13. N Nuraeni, Iskandar, A. Waris, and F. Haryanto, Preliminary Studies of Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (TLD) CaSO4:Dy Synthesis, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012065, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012065
  14. Hafizh A. Fakhri, Miftahul Husnah, Akfiny Hasdi Aimon, and Ferry Iskandar, Preliminary Study on Synthesis of Composite rGO/Ni by Microwave Assisted Method, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 877, (2017) 012073, doi :10.1088/1742-6596/877/1/012073
  15. Ahab, A., Rohman, F., Iskandar, F., Haryanto, F., Arif, I., A simple straightforward thermal decomposition synthesis of PEG-covered Gd2O3 (Gd2O3@PEG) nanoparticles, Advanced Powder Technology, 27:4, 1800-1805, (2016). 10.1016/j.apt.2016.06.012
  16. Arutanti, O., Arif, A.F., Balgis, R., Ogi, T., Okuyama, K., Iskandar, F., Tailored synthesis of macroporous Pt/WO3 photocatalyst with nanoaggregates via flame assisted spray pyrolysis, AIChE Journal, 62:11, 3864-3873, (2016). 10.1002/aic.15349.
  17. Ferry Iskandar, Erlandy Dwinanto, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal, Oki Muraza, Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Oil Using Nanocatalyst in Aquathermolysis Reaction, KONA Powder and Particle Journal, 33, (2016) 3-16, DOI : 10.14356/kona.2016005
  18. Fitri Aulia Permatasari, Akfiny Hasdi Aimon, Ferry Iskandar, Takashi Ogi, and Kikuo Okuyama, Role of C–N Configurations in the Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesized by a Hydrothermal Route, Sci Rep. 6, (2016), 21042. doi: 1038/srep21042
  19. Takashi Ogi, Takahiko Makino, Kikuo Okuyama, Wendelin J. Stark, and Ferry Iskandar, Selective Biosorption and Recovery of Tungsten from an Urban Mine and Feasibility , Evaluation, Eng. Chem. Res., 55:10, (2016), 2903–2910, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b04843
  20. Permatasari, F.A., Aimon, A.H., Iskandar, F., Ogi, T., Okuyama, K., Role of C-N Configurations in the Photoluminescence of Graphene Quantum Dots Synthesized by a Hydrothermal Route, Scientific Reports, 6, (2016), 21042, 10.1038/srep21042.
  21. Ogi, T., Makino, T., Okuyama, K., Stark, W.J., Iskandar, F., Selective Biosorption and Recovery of Tungsten from an Urban Mine and Feasibility Evaluation, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 55:10, 2903, (2016). 10.1021/acs.iecr.5b04843.
  22. Ogi, T., Makino, T., Iskandar, F., Tanabe, E., Okuyama, K., Heat-treated Escherichia coli as a high-capacity biosorbent for tungsten anions, Bioresource Technology, 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.06.076
  23. Ogi, T., Aishima, K., Permatasari, F.A., Iskandar, F., Tanabe, E., Okuyama, K., Kinetics of nitrogen-doped carbon dot formation: Via hydrothermal synthesis, New Journal of Chemistry, 40:6, 5555-5561, (2016). 10.1039/c6nj00009f
  24. F Iskandar, A H Aimon, A R Akmaluddin, B W Nuryadin and M Abdullah, Initial Study on Thin Film Preparation of Carbon Nanodots Composites as Luminescence Material, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016), 012010 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012010
  25. F Nakul, A H Aimon, B W Nuryadin and F Iskandar, Preliminary Study of Heat Supply during Carbon Nanodots Synthesis by Microwave-assisted Method, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012045 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012045
  26. G H Rahmi, P Pratiwi, B W Nuryadi, A H Aimon, T Winata and F Iskandar, Preparation of Copper Iodide (CuI) Thin Film by In-Situ Spraying and Its Properties, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012050 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012050
  27. P Pratiwi, G N Rahmi, A H Aimon, F Iskandar, M Abdullah and B W Nuryadin, Preliminary Study on Synthesis of Organolead Halide with Lead Derived from Solder Wire, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012098 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012098
  28. P M Widartiningsih, F Iskandar, M M Munir and S Viridi, Predicting jet radius in electrospinning by superpositioning exponential functions, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012097 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012097
  29. M Arifin, F Iskandar, A H Aimon, M M Munir and B W Nuryadin, Synthesis of LiFePO4/Li2SiO3/reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Composite via Hydrothermal Method, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 739 (2016) 012087 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012087
  30. O. Arutanti, T. Ogi, A.B.D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Controllable particle and crystal sizes of WO3 particles by a spray-pyrolysis method and their photocatalytic activity, AlChE J, 60, 41-49 (2014).
  31. D. Faryuni, B. W. Nuryadin, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Synthesis and photoluminescence of BCNO/SiO2 nanocomposite phosphor materials, J. Luminescence  148, 165-168 (2014): 10.1016/j.jlumin.2013.12.033
  32. Arutanti, O, A.B.D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar, T.O. Kim, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Synthesis of Composite WO3/TiO2 Nanoparticles by Flame-assisted Spray Pyrolysis and Their Photocatalytic Activity, J. Alloys Compounds, 591, 121-126 (2014).
  33. B. W. Nuryadin, E. C. S. Mahen, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal: Microwave-Assited Synthesis of Red emitting BCNO Phosphors and Its Characterization, Adv. Mat Res, 896, 464-467 (2014).
  34. A.P. Swardhani, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, Synthesis of Fe2O3/C Nanocomposite Using Microwave Assisted Calcination Method, Adv. Mater. Res, 896, 100-103 (2014).
  35. B.W. Nuryadin, T.P. Pratiwi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah,Khairurrijal, T. Ogi, K. Okuyama, Photoluminescence Optimization of BCNO Phosphors Synthesized Using Citric Acid as a Carbon Source, Adv. Powder Technol, (in press)
  36. T. Ogi, A.B. D. Nandiyanto, W.N. Wang, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, Direct White-Light-Emission from Rare-Earth Free Aluminum-Boron-Carbon-Oxynitride Phosphor,  J. Mater. Chem. C, 2 (21), 4297 – 4303 (2014)
  37. T. Ogi, H. Iwasaki, K. Aishima, F. Iskandar, W-N. Wang, K. Takimiya and K. Okuyama, Transient Nature of Graphene Quantum Dot Formation via a Hydrothermal Reaction, RSC Adv., 4, 55709-55715 (2014)
  38. M. M. Munir, A. Y. Nuryantini, Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Preparation of Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers with Controlled Morphology Using a Constant-Current Electrospinning System for Filter Applications, Mater. Sci. Forum, 737, 159-165 (2013)
  39. M. Rosi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal: Syntheses and Characterizations of Supercapacitors Using Nano-Sized ZnO/Nanoporous Carbon Electrodes and PVA-Based Polymer-Hydrogel Electrolytes, Mater. Sci. Forum, 737, 191-196 (2013)
  40. T. Nurhayati, F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah: Syntheses of Hematite (α-Fe2O3) Nanoparticles Using Microwave-Assisted Calcination Method, Mater. Sci. Forum, 737, 197-203 (2013)
  41. M. I. Nugraha, P. Noorlaily, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, F. Iskandar: Synthesis of NixFe3-xO4 Nanoparticles by Microwave-Assisted Coprecipitation and their Application in Viscosity Reduction of Heavy Oil, Mater. Sci. Forum, 737, 204-208 (2013)
  42. T. Ogi, A.B.D. Nandiyantio, K. Okino, F. Iskandar, W-N Wang, E. Tanabe, K. Okuyama:Towards Better Phosphor Design: Effect of SiO2 Nanoparticles on Photoluminescence Enhancement of YAG:Ce, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol, 2(5), R91-R95(2013)
  43. P. Noorlaily, M. I. Nugraha, Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, F. Iskandar, Ethylene Glycol Route Synthesis of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles as a Catalyst in Aquathermolysis, Mat. Sci. Forum, 737, 93-97(2013)
  44. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., O. Arutanti, A. Suhendi, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar, T.O. Kim, K. Okuyama: Synthesis of Spherical Macroporous WO3 Particles and Their High Photocatalytic Performance, Chem. Eng. Sci, 101, 523-532 (2013)
  45. S. Saehana, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, “Optimization of Electrospinning Parameter by Employing Genetic Algorithm in Order to Produce Desired Nanofiber Diameter”, Int. J. Mater. Sci. Eng., 7 (1) , 1219-1224 (2013)
  46. M.M. Munir, A. Suhendi, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama; Ion-induced nucleation rate measurement in SO2/H2O/N2 gas mixture by soft X-ray ionization at various pressures and temperatures, Adv. Powder technology, 24(1) 143-149 (2012)
  47. T. Ogi, F. Iskandar, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, W-N Wang, K. Okuyama: Influence of Polymer Decomposition Temperature on the Formation of Rare-earth Free Boron Carbon Oxynitride Phosphors, J.Chem Eng Jpn, 2012, N/A (2012)
  48. T. Ogi, A. B. D. Nandiyantoa, W-N. Wang, F. Iskandar, and K Okuyama: Direct synthesis of spherical YAG:Ce phosphor from precursor solution containing polymer and urea, Chem. Eng. J., 210, 461-466 (2012)
  49. F. A. Noor, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, “Numerical Simulation of Tunneling Current in an Anisotropic Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor“, TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3 (September 2012), pp. 477-485
  50. F. A. Noor, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijal, “Analysis of electron leakage current in MOS capacitors by using anisotropic and isotropic mass approaches“, Electronics Letters, 48(25), 1585 – 1586 (2012)
  51. Hagura N., T. Takeuchi, S. Takayama, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Enhanced photoluminescence of ZnO-SiO2 nanocomposite particles and the analyses of structure and composition, J. Lumin., 131(1), 138-146 (2011)
  52. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., T. Ogi, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Highly Ordered Porous Monolayer Generation by Dual-Speed Spin-Coating with Colloidal Templates, Chem. Eng. J., 167, 409–415 (2011)
  53. Hagura N., T. Ogi, T. Shirahama, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Highly luminescent silica-coated ZnO nanoparticles dispersed in an aqueous medium, J. Lumin., 131(5), 921-925  (2011)
  54. Wang, W.-N.,  T. Ogi, Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Novel Rare-Earth-Free Tunable-Color-Emitting BCNO Phosphors, J. Mater. Chem., Journal of Materials Chemistry (IF=4.795), 21, 5183-5189 (2011) (Invited Highlight Article)
  55. Balgis, R., F. Iskandar, T. Ogi, A. Purwanto, K. Okuyama: Synthesis of Uniformly Porous NiO/ZrO2 Particles, Mater. Res. Bull, 46, 708-715 (2011).
  56. Lee, S. Y., H. Chang, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Measuring the Effective Density, Porosity, and Refractive Index of Carbonaceous Particles by Tandem Aerosol Technique, Carbon, 49, 2163-2172 (2011).
  57. Matsui,T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and Kikuo Okuyama, Perpendicular easy axis alignment of FePt nanoparticles on a platinum-(001) buffer layer for high-density magnetic recording, J. App. Phys, 110, 083906 (2011)
  58. Widiyastuti, W., R. Balgis, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Nanoparticle Formation in Spray Pyrolysis Under Low-Pressure Conditions, Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(5), 1846-1854 (2010).
  59. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., N. Hagura, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Design of a Highly Ordered and Uniform Porous Structure with Multisized Pores in Film and Particle form using a Template-driven Self-Assembly Technique, Acta Mater., 58(1), 282-289 (2010)
  60. Hagura, N., W. Widiyastuti, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Characterization of Silica-coated Silver Nanoparticles Prepared by a Reverse Micelle and Hydrolysis-condensation Process, Chem. Eng. J., 156(1), 200-205 (2010)
  61. Iskandar, F., A.B. Suryamas, M. Kawabe, M.M. Munir, K. Okuyama, T. Tarao and T. Nishitani: Indium Tin Oxide Nanofiber Film Electrode for High Performance Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49, 010213 (2010)
  62. Kaihatsu, Y., W. N. Wang, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Controlled Synthesis of Carbon-based Alumina Nanophosphors with Tunable Blue-Green Luminescence, Mater. Lett. 64 (7), 836-839 (2010)
  63. Widiyastuti, W., D. Hidayat, A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Particle Dynamics Simulation of Nanoparticle Formation in a Flame Reactor using a Polydispersed Submicron-Sized Solid Precursor, Chem. Eng. J., 158(2), 362-367 (2010).
  64. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., F. Iskandar, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Nanometer to Submicrometer Magnesium Fluoride Particles with Controllable Morphology, Langmuir, 26(14), 12260-12266 (2010)
  65. Kaihatsu, Y., W. N. Wang, F. Iskandar, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Effect of the Carbon Source on the Luminescence Properties of Boron Carbon Oxynitride Phosphor Particles, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(10), J329-J333 (2010)
  66. Lee, S.-Y., L. Gradon, S. Janeczko, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Formation of Highly Ordered Nanostructures by Drying Micrometer Colloidal Droplets, ACS Nano, 4(8), 4717-4724 (2010)
  67. Munir, M. M., A. Suhendi, T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Experimental evaluation of the pressure and temperature dependence of ion-induced nucleation, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 124315-1-124315-8 (2010).
  68. Yun, K.M., A.B. Suryamas, F. Iskandar, L. Bao, H. Niinuma, and K. Okuyama: Morphology optimization of polymer nanofiber for applications in aerosol particle filtration, Sep. Purif. Technol., 75(3), 340-345 (2010).
  69. Ogi, T., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, E. Tanabe and K. Okuyama : Synthesis of nanocrystalline GaN from Ga2O3 nanoparticles derived from salt-assisted spray pyrolysis, Adv. Powder Technol., 20 (1), 29-34 (2009)
  70. Iskandar, F., S.G. Kim, A.B.D. Nandiyanto, Y. Kaihatsu, T. Ogi, K. Okuyama: Direct synthesis of hBN/MWCNT composite particles using spray pyrolysis, J. Alloys Compounds, 471, 166-171 (2009)
  71. Kim, S.G., N. Hagura, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama, Characterization of silica-coated Ag nanoparticles synthesized using a water-soluble nanoparticle micelle, Adv. Powder Technol., 20 (1), 94-100 (2009)
  72. Endo, Y., C. L. Y. Ngan, A. B. D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Analysis of fluid permeation through a particle-packed layer using an electric resistance network as an analogy, Powder Technol., 191, 39-46 (2009)
  73. Ogi, T., D. Hidayat, F. Iskandar, A. Purwanto and K. Okuyama: Direct synthesis of highly crystalline transparent conducting oxide nanoparticles by low pressure spray pyrolysis, Adv. Powder Technol., 20(2), 203-209 (2009)
  74. Lee, S.-Y., W. Widiyastuti, N. Tajima, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Measurement of the effective density of both spherical aggregated and ordered porous aerosol particles using mobility- and mass-analyzers, Aerosol Sci. Technol. 43, 136–144 (2009).
  75. Widiyastuti, W., A. Purwanto, W.-N. Wang, F. Iskandar, H. Setyawan, and K. Okuyama: Nanoparticle Formation through Solid-Fed Flame Synthesis: Experiment and Modeling, AIChE J., 55 (4), 885-895 (2009)
  76. Iskandar, F., A.B.D. Nandiyanto, W. Widiyastuti, S.-Y. Lee, K. Okuyama, L. Gradon: Production of Morphology-Controllable Porous Hyaluronic Acid Particles using a Spray Drying Method, Acta Biomaterialia, 5(4), 1027-1034 (2009).
  77. Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, H. Widiyandari, W. N. Wang, and K. Okuyama: Fabrication and Characterization of A Yellow-Emitting BCNO Phosphor for White Light-Emitting-Diodes, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 12 (3), pp. J33-J36 (2009)
  78. Widiyastuti, W., S.-Y. Lee, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Sintering behavior of spherical aggregated nanoparticles prepared by spraying colloidal precursor in a heated flow., Adv. Powder Technol., 20(4), 318-326 (2009)
  79. Widiyastuti, W., T. Minami, W.-N. Wang, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Photoluminescence Characteristics of Macroporous Eu-doped Yttrium Oxide Phosphor Particles Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 48, 032001 (2009)
  80. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., S.-G. Kim, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama, Synthesis of Spherical Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles with Nanometer-Size Controllable Pores and Outer Diameters, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 120, 447–453 (2009)
  81. Munir, M.M., F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal and K. Okuyama: High performance electrospinning system for fabricating highly uniform polymer nanofibers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80, 026106 (2009)
  82. Suryamas, A.B., M.M. Munir, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Photoluminescent and crystalline properties of Y3-xAl5O12:Cex3+ phosphor nanofibers prepared by electrospinning, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 064311 (2009)
  83. Widiyandari, H., M. Miftahul Munir, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Morphology-Controlled Synthesis of Chromia-Titania Nanofibers Via Electrospinning Followed by Annealing, Mat. Chem. Phys., 116 (1) 169-174 (2009)
  84. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Macroporous Anatase Titania Particle: Aerosol Self-Assembly Fabrication with Photocatalytic Performance, Chem. Eng. J., 152, 293-296 (2009)
  85. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Rapid Synthesis of a BN/CNT Composite Particle via Spray Routes using Ferrocene/Ethanol as a Catalyst/Carbon Source, Mater. Lett., 63(21), 1847-1850 (2009).
  86. Yun, K. M., A. B. Suryamas, C. Hirakawa, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: A new physical route to produce monodispersed microsphere nanoparticle-polymer composites, Langmuir, 25(18), 11038-11042 (2009).
  87. Joni, I M., A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Dispersion stability enhancement of titania nanoparticles in organic solvent using a bead mill process, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48(15), 6916-6922 (2009).
  88. Joni, I M., A. Purwanto, F. Iskandar, M. Hazata, and K. Okuyama, Intense UV-light absorption of ZnO nanoparticles prepared using a pulse combustion-spray pyrolysis method, Chem. Eng. J., 155(1-2), 433-441 (2009).
  89. Wang, W.-N., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Chemical and photoluminescence analyses of new carbon-based boron oxynitride phosphors, Mater. Res. Bull., 44(11), 2099-2102 (2009)
  90. Yun, K.-M., S.-Y. Lee, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, N. Tajima: Effect of X-ray energy and ionization time on the charging performance and nanoparticle formation of a soft X-ray photoionization charger, Adv. Powder Technol. 20(6), 529-536 (2009)
  91. Hagura, N., A. B. D. Nandiyanto, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: A Role of Template Surface Charge in the Preparation of Porous and Hollow Particle Using a Spray-drying Method, Chem. Lett., 38(11), 1076-1077 (2009).
  92. Munir, M.M., A.B.Suryamas, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Scaling law on particle to fiber formation during electrospinning, Polymer, 50(20), 4935-4943 (2009)
  93. Lee, S.-Y., W. Widiyastuti,  F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama, Leon Gradon: Morphology and particle size distribution controls of droplet-to-macroporous/hollow particles formation in spray drying process of colloidal mixtures precursor, Aerosol Sci. Technol.,  43(12), 1184-1191 (2009).
  94. Purwanto, A., H. Widiyandari, D. Hidayat, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Facile Method for the Fabrication of Vertically Aligned ITO Nanopillars with Excellent Properties, Chem. Mater., 21(18), 4087-4089 (2009)
  95. Wang, W.-N., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Highly Luminous Hollow Chloroapatite Phosphors Formed by a Template-Free Aerosol Route for Solid-State Lighting, Chem. Mater., 21(19), 4685-4691 (2009).
  96. Widiyandari, H., F. Iskandar, N. Hagura and K. Okuyama: Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Pigment – Poly(Styrene-Co-n-Butyl Acrylate-Co-Methacrylic Acid) Composite Particles by High Speed Homogenization-Assisted Suspension Polymerization, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 108(2), 1288-1297, (2008).
  97. Ueda, K., Y. Tsuchida, N. Hagura, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama and Y. Endo: High Performance of GaN Thin Films Grown on Sapphire Substrates Coated with a Silica-Submicron-Sphere Monolayer Film, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 101101 (2008).
  98. Munir, M.M., F. Iskandar, K.M. Yun, K. Okuyama and M. Abdullah: Optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide nanofibers prepared by electrospinning, Nanotechnology, 19, 145603 (2008).
  99. Inkyo, M., Y. Tokunaga, T. Tahara, T. Iwaki, F. Iskandar, C.J. Hogan, K. Okuyama: Beads Mill-Assisted Synthesis of Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA)-TiO2 Nanoparticle Composites, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47(8), 2597-2604 (2008).
  100. Ogi, T., Y. Kaihatsu, F. Iskandar, W. N. Wang and K. Okuyama : Facile Synthesis of New Full-Color-Emitting BCNO Phosphors with High Quantum Efficiency, Adv. Mater., 20, 3235-3238 (2008).
  101. Terashi, Y., A. Purwanto, W.N. Wang,  F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Role of Urea Addition in the Preparation of Tetragonal BaTiO3 Nanoparticles Using Flame Assisted Spray Pyrolysis, J. Eur.Ceram. Soc. 28, 2573-2580 (2008).
  102. Wang, W.-N., F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama and Y. Shinomiya, Rapid Synthesis of Non-aggregated Fine Chloroapatite Blue Phosphors with High Quantum Efficiency, Adv. Mater., 20, 3422-3426 (2008).
  103. Kim, S.-G., N. Hagura, F. Iskandar, A. Yabuki and K. Okuyama: Multilayer film deposition of Ag and SiO2 nanoparticles  using a spin coating process, Thin Solid Films, 516, 8721-8725 (2008).
  104. Minami, T., W.-N. Wang, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Photoluminescence Properties of Submicrometer Phosphors with Different Particle/Crystallite Sizes, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47, 7220-7223 (2008).
  105. Munir, M.M., H. Widiyandari, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama:  Patterned indium tin oxide nanofiber films and its electrical and optical performance, Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology, 19, 375601 (2008).
  106. Nandiyanto, A. B. D.,  F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Nano-sized Polymer Particle-Facilitated Preparation of Mesoporous Silica Particles Using a Spray Method, Chem. Lett., 37, 1040-1041 (2008).
  107. Munir, M.M., F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal and K. Okuyama: A constant-current electrospinning system for production of high  quality nanofibers, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 79 (9), 093904 (2008).
  108. Hidayat, D., T. Ogi, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Single crystal ZnO:Al nanoparticles directly synthesized using low-pressure spray pyrolysis, Mater. Sci. Eng. B, 151, 231-237 (2008).
  109. Ogi, T., L. B. Modesto-Lopez, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Fabrication of a large area monolayer of silica particles on a sapphire substrate by a spin coating method, Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 297 (1-3), 71-78 (2007)
  110. Lee, H. M., S. G. Kim, I. Matsui, T. Iwaki, F. Iskandar, I. W. Lenggoro, and K. Okuyama: Monolayer Deposition of L10 FePt Nanoparticles via Electrospray Route, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 313 (1), 62-68 (2007)
  111. Widiyandari, H., C. J. Hogan Jr., K. M. Yun, F. Iskandar, P. Biswas, and K. Okuyama: Production of Narrow Size Distribution Polymer-Pigment Nanoparticle Composites via Electrohydrodynamic Atomization, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 292, 495-502,(2007)
  112. Iskandar, F., A. B. D. Nandiyanto, K. M. Yun, C. J. Hogan Jr., K. Okuyama, and P. Biswas: Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of Brookite TiO2 Macroporous Particles Prepared by Spray Drying with Colloidal Templating, Adv. Mater., 19 (10), 1408-1412 (2007)
  113. Widiyastuti,W., W.-N. Wang, I. W. Lenggoro, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Simulation and Experiment of Spray Pyrolysis of Polydisperse Droplets, J. Mater. Res., J.Mater.Res. 22 (7), pp. 1888-1898, (2007).
  114. Yun, K.M., C. J. Hogan, Y. Matsubayashi, M. Kawabe, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Nanoparticle Filtration by Electrospun Polymer Fibers, Chem. Eng. Sci., 62(17), 4751-4759, (2007).
  115. Munir, M.M., K. M. Yun, F. Iskandar, A. Yabuki, and K. Okuyama: Heating Profile Effect on Morphology, Crystallinity and Photoluminescent Properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ Phosphor Nanofibers Prepared Using an Electrospinning Method, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 146 (10 A), pp. 6705-6709, (2007).
  116. Iskandar, F., T. Ogi, and K. Okuyama: Simple synthesis of GaN nanoparticles from gallium nitrate and ammonia aqueous solution under a flow of ammonia gas, Mater. Lett., 60(1) 73-76, (2006)
  117. Ogi, T., F. Iskandar, Y. Itoh and K. Okuyama: Characterization of dip-coated ITO films derived from nanoparticles synthesized by low-pressure spray pyrolysis, J. Nanoparticle Res., 8 (3-4), 343-350 (2006)
  118. Okuyama, K., M. Abdullah, I. W. Lenggoro, and F. Iskandar: Preparation of Functional Nanostructured Particles by Spray Drying-A Review, Adv. Powder Technol., 17(6), 587-611 (2006).
  119. Iskandar, F., H. M. Lee, T. Toda, T. Iwaki and K. Okuyama: Fabrication of L10 FePtAg nanoparticles and a study on the effect of Ag during the annealing process, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 305(2), 514-519 (2006)
  120. Inkyo, M., T. Tahara, T. Iwaki, F. Iskandar, C.J.Hogan Jr., and K. Okuyama: Experimental Investigation of Nanoparticle Dispersion by Beads Milling with Centrifugal Bead Separation, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 304 (2), 535-540 (2006)
  121. Lenggoro, I.W., T. Hata, F. Iskandar, M.M. Lunden and K. Okuyama: An Experimental and Modeling Investigation ofParticle Production by Spray Pyrolysis Using A Laminar Flow Aerosol Reactor, J. Mater. Res., 15 (3), 733-743 (2000)
  122. Lenggoro, I.W., F. Iskandar, H. Mizushima, B. Xia, K. Okuyama and N. Kijima: One-step Synthesis for Zn2SiO4:Mn Particles 0.3-1.3 micrometer in Size with Spherical Morphology and Non-Aggregation, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.Part2-Lett., 39(10B), L1051-L1053 (2000).
  123. Iskandar, F., Mikrajuddin and K. Okuyama: In Situ Production of Spherical Silica Particles Containing Self-Organized Mesopores, Nano Lett., 1(5), 231-234 (2001). See also “Highlights of the recent literature, MATERIALS SCIENCE: Spraying Nanoporous Silica”, Science, 292 (5522), 1611 (2001)
  124. Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama and F. G. Shi: Stable Photoluminescence of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots in Silica Nanoparticles Matrix Prepared by the Combined Sol-Gel and Spray Drying Method, J. Appl. Phys., 89 (11), 6431-6434 (2001).
  125. Iskandar, F., I.W. Lenggoro, B. Xia, and K. Okuyama: Functional Nanostructured Silica Powders Derived from Colloidal Suspensions by Sol Spraying, J. Nanoparticle Res., 3(4), 263-270 (2001).
  126. Iskandar, F., I.W. Lenggoro, T.-O. Kim, N. Nakao, M. Shimada and K. Okuyama: Fabrication and Characterization of SiO2 Particles Generated by Spray Methods for Standards Aerosol, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 34( 10) 1285-1292 (2001)
  127. Iskandar, F., Mikrajuddin, and K. Okuyama: Controllability of Pore Size and Porosity on Self-Organized Porous Silica Particles, Nano Lett., 2(4), 389-392 (2002).
  128. Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Single Route for Producing Organized Metallic Domes, Dots, and Pores by Colloidal Templating and Over Sputtering, Adv. Mater., 14(12), 930-933 (2002).
  129. Iskandar, F., M. Abdullah, H. Yoden, K. Okuyama: Optical band gap and ultralow dielectric constant materials prepared by a simple dip coating process, J. Appl. Phys., 93(11), 9237-9242 (2003).
  130. Iskandar, F., H. Chang and K. Okuyama: Preparation of microencapsulated powders by an aerosol spray method and their optical properties, Adv. Powder Technol., 14(3), 349-367(2003).
  131. Iskandar, F., L. Gradon, and K. Okuyama: Control of the Morphology of Nanostructured Particles Prepared by the Spray Drying of a Nanoparticle Sol, J. Coll. Interface Sci., 265(2), 296-303 (2003)
  132. Iskandar, F., M. Abdullah, H. Yoden, K. Okuyama: Silica Films Containing Ordered Pores Prepared by Dip Coating of Silica Nanoparticles and Polystyrene Beads Colloidal Mixture, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., 29(1), 41-47 (2004)
  133. Gradon, L, S. Janeczko, M. Abdullah, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Self-Organization Kinetics of Mesoporous Nanostructured Particles, AIChE J., 50(10) 2583-2593(2004)
  134. Abdullah, M., F. Iskandar, S. Shibamoto, T. Ogi and K. Okuyama: Preparation of Oxide Particles with Ordered Macropores by Colloidal Templating and Spray Pyrolysis, Acta Mater., 52(17), 5151-5156 (2004) .
  135. Ogi, T., Y. Itoh, M. Abdullah, F. Iskandar, Y. Azuma and K. Okuyama: Fabrication and photoluminescence of highly crystalline GaN and GaN:Mg nanoparticles, J. Cryst. Growth, 281(2-4), 234-241 (2005)
  136. Iskandar, F., T. Iwaki, T. Toda and K. Okuyama: High coercivity of ordered macroporous FePt films synthesized via colloidal templates, Nano Lett., 5(7), 1525-1528(2005)


Publikasi Nasional

  1. A. Asbahri, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, dan Khairurrijal, “Studi Awal Pembuatan Nanofluida Fe3O4 Sebagai Katalis Dalam Proses Aquathermolysis”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014
  2. P. Noorlaily, M. Ulfa, F. Iskandar, “Study Awal Sifat Optik pada Perovskite CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Clx Sebagai Penyerap Cahaya pada Sel Surya” , Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  3. A.R. Akmaludin, B.W. Nuryadin dan F. Iskandar, “Studi Awal Pembuatan Carbon Nanoparticle dengan Metode Pemanasan Gelombang Mikro” , Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  4. E. Dwinanto, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, dan Khairurrijal, “Studi Awal Sintesis Nanopartikel Fe3O4/Sintetik-Zeolit Menggunakan Metode Kopresipitasi dengan Bantuan Microwave”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  5. R. Miranti dan F. Iskandar, “Deposisi SnO2:F Pada Substrat Kaca dengan Metode Spray pada Suhu Rendah”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  6. Iskandar, F. Iskandar dan M.M. Munir “Efek Temperatur Kalsinasi dalam Pembentukan Nanopartikel Nilek Oksida (NiO) yang disintesis Menggunakan Teknik Electrospinning”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  7. CH.A.Andre Mailoa dan F. Iskandar, “Efek Penambahan SiO2 pada Pembuatan Partikel LiFePO4 Menggunakan Metode Hidrotermal”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  8. P.U.Vivitasari dan F. Iskandar “Sintesis dan Stabilitas Nanofluida CuO Melalui Metode Kopresipitasi dengan Bantuan Gelombang Ultrasonik”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  9. Y. B. Rus dan F. Iskandar “Sistesis Komposit grafena/Ni Menggunakan metoda Marcano dan Metoda fasa Likuid yang Dibantu dengan Pemanasan Microwave Sebagai Material Aktif Anoda Baterai Ion Lithium”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 24 Mei 2014.
  10. M. Rosi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, K. Khairurrijal, “Sintesis Nanopori Karbon dengan Variasi Jumlah NaOH dan Aplikasinya sebagai Superkapasitor”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2013, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, hal. 74-77.
  11. E. C. S. Mahen, B. W. Nuryadin. F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijjal, “Preliminary study of synthesis BCNO-Composite Phosphors Film”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2013, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, hal. 44-42.
  12. B. W. Nuryadin, E. C. S. Mahen, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, and Khairurrijjal, “Synthesis of Phosphorescence based on Boron Carbon Oxynitride (BCNO) using Hydrothermal Method”. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2013, ITB, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, hal. 57-60.
  13. A. P. Swardhani, F. Iskandar, and M Abdullah, “Preliminary study of synthesis nanocomposite Fe2O3/ C using microwave assisted Calcination method”, Seminar Nasional Material 2013, ITB, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, hal. 61-64.
  14. A.S. Aji, M. Rendi, G. Kurniawan, M. Fajri, R. Maulana, F. Iskandar, “Simulasi Migrasi Ion pada Baterai Ion Lithium dengan Metode Molecular Dynamics (MD)”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2013, ITB, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, hal. 97-100.
  15. E.Yuliza, S. Merissa, M. Ulfa, M. R. Mahmudi, F. Iskandar, T. Winata, “Simulasi Penumbuhan Nanonikel Sebagai Katalis CNT Menggunakan Metoda Sputtering”, Seminar Nasional Material 2013, ITB, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013.
  16. B. W. Nuryadin, E. C. S. Mahen, A. Asbahri, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah dan Khairurrijal, “Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pemanasan pada Hidrotermal Sintesis Fosfor BCNO terhadap sifat pendarannya”, Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 4 Juli 2013.
  17. E. C. S. Mahen ,B. W. Nuryadin, A. Rahmat, A. Asbahri, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah dan Khairurrijal, “Lapisan Tipis dari Hidrotermal Sintesis BCNO Fosfor pada Gelas Substrat dengan Metode Spin Coating”, Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 4 Juli 2013.
  18. S. S. Marpaung, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, dan Khairurrijal, “Rancang Bangun Alat dan Sistesis Material Lithium Besi Fosfat LiFePO4 dengan Menggunakan Metode Hidrotermal”, Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 4 Juli 2013.
  19. A. S. Nisa, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, dan Khairurrijal, “Sintesis Material Lithium Besi Fosfat LiFePO4 dengan Metode Solvotermal pada Konsentrasi Tinggi”, Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 4 Juli 2013.
  20. E. C. S. Mahen ,B. W. Nuryadin, A. Asbahri, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah dan Khairurrijal, “Pengaruh Perbandingan Molaritas Prekusor terhadap Fotoluminesensi BCNO pada Metode Hidrotermal”, Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains (SNIPS 2013), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 4 Juli 2013.
  21. T.D.K.Wungu, G. Kurniawan, B.Yulianto, F. Iskandar, “Studi Sifat Elektronik pada Bahan Katoda untuk Baterai Litium Ion (LiFePO4 dan Li2FeSiO4) dengan Menggunakan Metode Density Functional Theory”, Prosiding Workshop Nanotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 12 Desember 2013.
  22. P. Fitriani, S. Merissa, F. Iskandar, R. R. Mukti, Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, “Sintesis Nanokomposit Fe3O4/Zeolit dengan Metode Pemanasan Microwave dan Pengujian Sifat Katalitiknya pada Penurunan Viskositas Minyak Berat”,  Prosiding Workshop Nanotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 12 Desember 2013.
  23. G.R.F. Suwandi, Irfan Dwi A, M Haekal, M Prama E, F Iskandar, “Optimasi Resistansi Ohmik Baterai Li-ion Melalui Kombinasi Bahan Elektroda Berpori dan Elektrolit”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2013, Bandung, 16 Feb 2013, 18-22.
  24. A Rustandi, M. S. Anrokhi, A. Y. Nuryantini, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal, “Sintesis Komposit Nanokristalin α-Fe2O3/Zeolit Alam Dengan Metode Spray Pyrolysis” dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2012 hal. 87-89.
  25. M Rosi, M. P. Ekaputra, F Iskandar, M Abdullah, Khairurrijal Khairurrijal, “Superkapasitor Menggunakan Polimer Hidrogel Elektrolit dan Elektroda Nanopori Karbon” dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2012, hal.42-45.
  26. M. I. Nugraha, P Noorlaily, F Iskandar, M Abdullah, Khairurrijal Khairurrijal, “Studi Awal Sintesis Nanokristal NixFe3-xO4 dengan Metode Microwave-assisted Chemical Coprecipitation” dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2012, hal. 14-17.
  27. I. D. Faryuni, B. W. Nuryadin, T. P. Pratiwi, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah, Khairurrijal Khairurrijal, “Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Fosfor BCNO/SiO2 Nanokomposit Emisi Kuning untuk Aplikasi LED Putih” dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2012, hal.50-53.
  28. P Noorlaily, M. I. Nugraha, F Iskandar, M Abdullah, Khairurrijal Khairurrijal, “Studi Awal pada Sintesis Nikel Oksida Nanokristalin Menggunakan Ethylene Glycol: Pengaruh Temperatur” dalam ProsidingSeminar Nasional Material 2012, hal. 26-29.
  29. F. Iskandar, T. P. Pratiwi, A. Y. Nuryantini, “Aplikasi Nanomaterial Katalis pada Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Material 2012, hal.1-4.
  30. Indra W. Fathona, Arif Surachman, F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal, Klinostat Tiga Dimensi sebagai Simulator Mikrogravitasi untuk Berbagai Eksperimen Tanpa Bobot, J. Otomasi, Kontrol dan Instrumentasi, 3(1), 41-45 (2011)
  31. Khairurrijal*, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Ferry Iskandar, Memoria Rosi, Masturi Pemanfaatan Limbah Biomassa Pertanian untuk Sumber Daya Selain Energi, Prosiding Seminar Kontribusi Fisika 2011 (SKF 2011), Bandung 1-2 Desember 2011.
  32. 川 部雅章、フェリー・イスカンダル、奥山喜久夫:ポリプロピレン不織布エレクトレットフィルタの帯電過程、静電気学会誌、33(5), 213-219 (2009). Kawabe, M, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Corona Charging Process for Polypropylene Electret Filter, J. Institute Electrostatics Japan, 33(5), 213-219 (2009)
  33. 杉村健一, T.M.D. Nguyen, F. Iskandar, 奥山喜久夫: 噴霧乾燥法によるNi/BaTiO3 コアシェル粒子の合成, 粉体工学会誌, 46(11), 813-818 (2009) Sugimura K., T.M.D. Nguyen, F. Iskandar, K. Okuyama: Preparation of Ni/BaTiO3 Core-shell Particle by Spray Drying Process, J. Soc. Powder. Technol. Jpn., 46(11), 813-818 (2009)
  34. Nandiyanto, A.B.D., Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama: Fabrication of Ordered Macroporous Titania Film using Self-assembly an Organic Template and A Simple Dip-Coating Technique, J Nanosains Nanotek., 2 (2), 56 (2009)
  35. Khairurrijal, M. M. Munir, S. Saehana, F. Iskandar, M. Abdullah: Teknik Pemintalan Elektrik untuk Pembuatan Nanoserat: dari Pemodelan hingga Eksperimen,  J Nanosains Nanotek., Edisi khusus (2009)
  36. 水越裕治, 増井芽, F. Iskandar, 金鎭喆, 大谷 吉生 ; 焼却炉排ガス処理における塩化水素ガスと消石灰粒子の反応, 化学工学論文集 33(2), 154-159 (2007). H. Mizukoshi, M. Masui, F. Iskandar, J.C. Kim and Y. Otani, Reaction of Hydrogen Chloride with Hydrated Lime for Flue Gas Cleaning of Incinerators, Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 33(2), 154-159 (2007)
  37. 荻 崇, F. Iskandar, 矢吹彰広, 奥山喜久夫 : テンプレート材料を用いた二流体ノズル噴霧乾燥法による多孔質から中空粒子への形態制御, 化学工学論文集, 33(5), pp. 468-475 (2007). T. Ogi, F. Iskandar, A. Yabuki, K. Okuyama: Control of Particle Morphology from Porous to Hollow by Spray-Drying with a Two-Fluid Nozzle and Template Materials, Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 33(5), 468-475, (2007)
  38. Abdullah, M., F. Iskandar, and K. Okuyama: Simple Fabrication of Carbon Nanotubes from Ethanol using an Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, Proc. ITB Eng. Sci., 36B(2), 125-131 (2004)
  39. Mikrajuddin, F. Iskandar, Khairuddin; Two Dimensional Ordered Metallic Particles with Controllable Size and Distance Produced using Simple Ion Sputtering, Integral, 8(1), 19-24 (2003)


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